Here is my problem:
I bowl a second shift scratch league, and for the first part of our season the lanes were usually just burnt. I was able to find some decent shots and keep moving left and shot some decent scores. Recently they have had a touch more oil. I have been ok the first game, but somewhere in the second or third game I start to lose carry as the carrydown builds up. I can't seem to stay where I am, as the balls hooks too early, but a small adjustment left start leaving 10 pins, either solid or weak depending on release (I am RH, about 18.5 MPH, 390-400 RPM). Normally I throw a shined up Rival, with the pin down, CG kicked out to the right. With it's midlane roll it seems to lose a little on the carrydown. But if I switch to a weaker ball, and stay where I was I seem to wind up with the same thing, and a move right with that ball sends it high.
My options are these: I have a Resurgence drilled the same as the Rival, still in OOB finish. It is too strong that way, but I was thinking of shining it and that might give it more pop on the backend, still getting down the lane. In something new I was thinking of maybe a Playmaker or Kinetic Energy, as I would like to try the new Ebonite and Track equipment (used to have a Big One which unfortunately died an early death, and a Rule GP2, and I liked them both). Open to any other suggestions as well. Thanks for your help.