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Author Topic: Velcro Tape  (Read 928 times)

the sleeze

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Velcro Tape
« on: May 27, 2009, 06:31:33 AM »
I have used Magic carpet thumb inserts with decent results. Have seen previous comments regarding velcro tape. Anyone use it? Why? Feel? Results? Downside?  Specifically anyone switch from Magic Carpet to velcro? Thanks



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Re: Velcro Tape
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 02:49:32 PM »
I've only used Magic Carpets.  They will last at least one season for me and when I have had to remove one to work out the thumbhole, I have been able to successfully reinsert the old Magic Carpet and continue to bowl.  For the price, the durability, and the results, I have never even thought about trying velcro.  Plus, you support your local proshop and the inventor who is a bowler by using Magic Carpets and there is even the free samples available for those who want to try the Magic Carpets.


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