Hmm, the backends might not be getting stripped . . The lane machine isn't that old, I think it's only 7 or 8 years, just since the center opened. That would explain why the track area is slick and inconsistent at the breakpoint . . If I got the ball rolling soon enough, it would come up, but it was coming up too quickly, so I had to move just a tad left and swing it just a little. I was trying to go straight up 8 and bounce it off 6 relatively early, at about 25-30 feet. It would start coming back and just go too long. It's not like it never reacted, which would suggest burn out, it just reacted too late, as is common at that house. The control cranker that I said left one (who has 2 800's, 3 299's, a 300 and a 298 there this year, and holds the house record of 837) is a mechanic there, and he says they use defense oil, which he says is kinda "sticky" or hard for the machine to strip.
I guess that would explain things, and also why only power players score there, they can get their stuff into a much earlier roll than most other people can. Also, it's not like I haven't scored there before, I've had a 300, a couple back 11's, and a dozen or so sets over 750, the most recent of those being a 300 a year ago, but I haven't shot anything over 670 there this year. I KNOW it can't be the way I'm throwing the ball, because I come straight from my early house where I'm at 219 (slow start to the year, hadn't bowled since January because of my shoulder, took a while to get back into the swing of things, and for the last 8 weeks I'm averaging 232 in that league, and 237 in my other league there) which sends me over with a lot of confidence, and then the ball is all over the place, and then I start getting tight, which screws the rest of the night up.
My ball roll since I got everything working has been almost exactly like Mike Haugen Jr.'s. His form is better, but the ball roll is the same, identical speed and rev rate. My track runs about an inch from my middle finger and about a half inch to an inch from my thumb. My PAP is 5 3/4ths over and 3/4ths up. It's a high track yes, but there's nothing wrong with it. Everything works well, and anywhere with a consistent line, I score at. I score better on the "sport pattern" this house puts down. It's a flatter shot, but all I need are consistent backends. It does make me feel a lot better that the control cranker left one, there were people taking pictures and everybody's still talking about it. This guy is good, and I mean good, he's incredibly versatile, he gets the game, he adjusts well, and makes the right moves at the right time. The only stuff he ever leaves are 10 pins, 4 pins, and the occasional oops split. He just doesn't leave 5-7-10's, and I don't believe I've ever seen him even leave a 5-7 before. The ball hits with such power that it just blows stuff everywhere.
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!
Edited on 12/28/2005 3:36 PM