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Author Topic: Video Chronicling my switch to 2 hands?  (Read 1751 times)


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Video Chronicling my switch to 2 hands?
« on: March 15, 2019, 08:32:12 AM »
So due to some pains ive been dealing with and thumb swelling issues that won't go away despite everything i try, I'm going to take the summer off of league and use it to convert to 2 handed.  But in doing some youtube research, there's videos obviously of tips and what not on the conversion, but not much on the conversion and struggles  that people may have with it after being a 1 hander.

If i were to make videos charting my progression, would it be something people would watch and either comment here or on youtube for things i need to correct?  i see a lot of people ask for help on bowling but not giving the helpers much to go off of except a description of what the bowler thinks they're doing.  I figure this would help me out, but maybe other people who are considering making the switch.

I have to give a shoutout to JessN16 for giving me the idea, seeing their posts doing something similar in their topic they started and continually updating there.

Also, ive never done any kind of video editing.  as of now, i only have a smart phone and a computer.  so for the people who do stuff like this, can i get away with just those or would i need more.  I also plan on doing voice over video to talk about what i'm doing.

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.



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Re: Video Chronicling my switch to 2 hands?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2019, 06:25:39 PM »
Sounds like a good idea, I'll watch em but I have no clue how to 2 hand bowl. I've seen 2 handed coaching and the principals of how to do it on the entry level USBC coaching test that I completed.

Just keep it simple and use your smart phone for a direct upload.
I think Win 10 has a hidden video feature built-in where you can cut, trim.
iPhone 6S+ shipped with iMovie, a small video editor that works really good. Part of a premium pack that was included with the larger sized phone.

You need 2 views, one directly from the back and one from the side taken from the foul line in which the camera pans as you move. Might want to get a tri-pod.

Over the last decade, I've seen many people get permanently injured from bowling or bowling just made some other injury worst. Mostly knees, hips and rotator cups, some with torn arm muscles and ligaments. But most of them bowled too much, like 5 leagues a week and never took time off to heal. The sad part was that I can see it coming months or years in advance and never said anything.

Wow man thanks this is all great information. And I was thinking about it. I don’t wanna spend more than $20 or so just due to the fact that I won’t have anything to record once the summer is over.

I don’t know enough about balls to do review videos. Lol


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Re: Video Chronicling my switch to 2 hands?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2019, 10:26:34 AM »
well, due to my summer league starting so quickly after my winter league is ending, i had to start the transition to two hands early...   I'm going to use my Navy League to start the transition while i bowl one handed to finish my house league.

unfortunately i didn't get a chance to record shots while bowling.

However, i had a very optimistic start to two handed bowling.

My first two games I started with my After Dark pearl.  I wanted something tame so i can work on some control.  I had some success with it, that ball is never jumpy, even bowling two hands.

my teammate suggested i switch to my turmoil, so i tried, started by moving 8 boards left, from where i was with my after dark pearl.  didn't quite come around the bend, so i moved 3 boards right, and it was money.  bowled  two more games with that.

wanted to give the halo pearl a try, so i stood same line as the turmoil solid.  hit my target, ball went brooklyn.  moved deeper, teammate suggested id probably leave a lot of corner pins on that line.. bam, 10 pin first ball.

i ended up going to my hyroad live, moved about 5 boards right of my halo pearl line.  got a great reaction for the end of the 5 and beginning of the 6th.  by that point, exhaustion was kicking in...  I also ran 2.5 miles about 3 hours prior to bowling.  anyways, kicked back to the after dark pearl so i didn't have to get it out to spot as much and finished there.

Although not perfect, my accuracy was pretty damn good.  A lot of the accuracy issues i had were with body position, but i'll get to that in the negatives.

Spare Accuracy, i dunno what it was, but i seemed way more locked on for spares, i didn't shoot them any differently than normal, but i just seemed way more accurate.

Speed Control, i tend to have issues with speed control bowling one handed.  I can range from 16 to 18 and don't always have the best control hitting certain speeds.  with two hands, i was between 15 and 15.5 consistently.  the only times i dropped below 15 where when i missed right, and all that did was just allow the ball more time to get back.

Ball knowledge.  Being a more speed dominant player 1 handed, i don't get a lot of different reaction between balls.  i can change between my weakest and strongest balls and not see more than a 4 board difference.  now the shape may not be the same but, but the overall coverage never really varied.  However, with two hands, way more revs for me, causing more board coverage.  I noticed at least 8 boards between my Halo Pearl and After Dark Pearl, and it was only 8 because the flip to the halo pearl put me through the oil.  However, except for that one hiccup where i had my halo pearl go brooklyn after switching from my turmoil solid, every other ball change was pretty accurate for me without skipping a beat.  I adjusted to where i thought i needed to be and it was the right spot.

footwork, i was very consistent with my footwork despite it being new to me.  my approach issues where more upperbody

my release.  while not bad, i wasn't exactly consistent in how i came through the ball.  sometimes i came around it too much, sometimes i pulled through the middle as if i were shooting a 10 pin trying to flatten it out.  More practice should fix that.

shoulder positioning.  as i've mentioned a couple times, my approach issues were very upper body related.  I had laziness issues, where i would fall back with my shoulders in my approach, when i was very conscious of it, i was able to keep my shoulders forward and had zero issues with the delivery.  But when i got lazy, i wouldn't be over the shot but rather leaning back.  from there, i would stick or overslide depending on how my foot landed and would either yank the shot left or leak it too far right.  again, just need more practice.

All in all, it was a great start, and im hoping to get the video thing going soon.  i had to have my Iphone replaced due to battery issues, but now that my phone can be able to handle recording while i bowl, as opposed to dying without even touching the phone while i bowl, i'll be able to do more.  and i do plan on ordering a stand, but that'll be more for practice.  for league, i'll have a teammate record a few shots.


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Re: Video Chronicling my switch to 2 hands?
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2019, 10:31:37 AM »
oh and sorry, it was the 2018 womens open championship pattern, not a THS