For those of you who are commenting on this topic, let me give you a slightly different perspective. Being an avid bowler myself for almost 45 years, having bowled in both high school and college, having a young, successful son involved, and someone who is part of a legal, non-profit organization that runs 4 scholarship leagues and monthly scholarship tournaments, this is all making me sick to my stomach.
For those of you who think this isn't so bad and what USBC is doing doesn't border on criminal, let me give you a few more reasons to give this the kind of serious consideration you should, as it effects not only your future but the future of the game (meaning future junior bowlers) and have your friends, relatives and parents write to magazines and the press chastising these idiots.
It's clear we all agree this is all about money. Do you really know how much?
?? Much, much more then you could ever imagine. Any and all reasons Mr Dalkin gives for anything he does is purely BS. Men's bowling will NEVER become an NCAA sport. For those of you who may not be old enough, do a search on something called TITLE IX. TITLE IX requires equal number of scholarship opportunities for men and women attending NCAA member schools. Bowling is a
way for the NCAA to show they are providing opportunities for women while they have more opportunities for men in the revenue producing sports. To add men's bowling would mean having to reduce opportunities in these other sports......NEVER going to happen.
Let's talk about the rings. Again, total BS. Let's for a second ignore states like mine who do not have high school bowling. I would venture a guess that EVERY member of a State championship team in football, basketball, soccer and baseball (both male and female) in those other states (NJ, PA) received rings for their accomplishment. And even if they didn't, how about the sneakers, uniforms, equipment or travel costs provided by sponsors. My guess is these long outweigh more than a ring.
Now let's get to the borderline criminal acts. How about the fact that Mr Dalkin's organization declines to make public any and all information pertaining to their income and the expenses. If taking almost half of the JG entry for expenses without any disclosure isn't criminal, what is? I grew up in NY. If anyone running a tournament took half the money for his pocket, he wouldn't make it out of the parking lot.
How about this? Why won't they provide their members who pay their salary through the ever increasing ridiculous sanction fees an accounting of the interest that's been earned (or lost) over the years. And just what is that interest used for? You think that's a small amount of money? How about all of the forfeitures (money won and not claimed) Where is all this money going? What ever happened to combining these organizations for "economies of scale"?
You want to see a model of incompetency? How many people in Wisconsin does it take to make a web site work? (the answer is....they haven't figure it out yet but we'll get back to you when we do). The reason they won't make your accounts accessible? Easy answer, they are so afraid of the questions that will come up from their blunders and mistakes that they probably can't verify members balances and it would render them a huge embarrassment, if not some official government inquiry.
Now, let's add to all of this, the latest and greatest USBC thinking. Their new proposal is to have any and all people to involved with Junior leagues and events to include coaches, guardians, baby sitters AND the people working in the bowling alley (yes, including those behind the snack bar) get background checks. How you like that one? Not only get background checks, but get them twice a year and at the individual's expense. How idiotic must one group of people be? Living in Wisconsin must be pretty damn boring to sit and think all this garbage up. Oh, I forgot, the new USBC youth board voted for these things. Can anyone name the members of this board? Wanna guess that no junior bowlers are on that board?
So for those of you who thought people like Matt in PA won't be affected by their nonsense.....guess again. For those youngsters out there, Roger Dalkin is the reincarnation of Jimmy Hoffa. The only difference is Dalkin isn't buried in the Meadowlands.