I'm sure that most of you have seen by now this ad in the bowling magazines....(never mind the fact that there are only 39 boards -- something the marketing guys may have overlooked). Anyway, I like the agressive marketing concept-- and that is a "catchy" marketing phrase.
For those of you that don't golf, there's a great commercial out now about the Callaway drivers and the phrase...."nice drive".....they make it sound like that phrase is kind of like kissing your sister....
The spokesman goes on to say that if you use Callaway drivers no one will dare use the dreaded "nice drive" phase on you...."We make nasty Titanium cannons that will have your playing partners crying for their mommies".......
Maybe bowling could use a commercial like that...picture PTW in sunglasses with a "Storm" logo "tatoo" on his bicep spouting a suitable bowling phrase...or WRR or perhaps Mikka could do the same thing for his new company, Brunswick.
Just thinking out loud...If nothing else, it proves maybe I watch too many commercials and I have too much time on my hands....Hey, I'm the guy that's still waiting for another post from Kornholio---after all, it's the start of another weekend.