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Author Topic: Frustrated by a 300...  (Read 3150 times)

Willaby Rags

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Frustrated by a 300...
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:28:55 AM »
I'm not the greatest bowler by far, but I average 207 in a fairly difficult house.  I try to have good mechanics, learn all I can about the game and try to set a good example.  This week in my league a guy on the pair next to me shoots a 300.  I congratulate him, but can't help from wondering why I can't shoot 300.  This fellow's delivery includes starting from the wrong foot, and at the end of his delivery slamming his free hand on the ground to keep from completely falling over.  At least twice a night he doesn't even catch himself and falls completely on his side.  In the 10th frame the first shot was low, the second shot was high, and the last shot was completely through the nose.  He carried all of those strikes and kept going in the second game....when he finally stopped striking everybody asked what happened and he replied (and I quote) "I didn't fall down on that one".  All this and given the fact that he shows up buzzing and progresses to full drunk it just kinda chaps my cheeks....
Thank you for reading my rant...I feel better I think....


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2006, 01:01:23 AM »
Haha oh boy do I feel you on this one.  I bowl at a house, that tends to be pretty simple for most people.  Myself, I have very good form, and throw the ball pretty well.  I have seen some of the worst bowlers probably in this state shoot honor scores at this house.  A guy who walks up on the approach with a cigar in his mouth and spins the ball like no other shoots 299, guys who have like a 2 step approach and dump is half way down the lane shoot 298.  An 18 year old who doesn't have a clue shoots 300.

Then here I go on the same night...front 9...feeling good....hit my mark, everything is perfect, no doubt I'm gonna be shooting for the front 11 and WHAM solid 8 pin.  Last year front 10, come in a tad high leave a wobbly 6 pin.  Watch a guy bust #10 right across the nose and all the pins tumble.

I honestly feel like bowling is the only sport where you can do everything right and not be rewarded for it.  Even though 300 games are now a dime a dozen...I still want to shoot one in an Adult League.  I had one back in Youths when I was 15 and a 167 average lol.
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Brunswick Ultimate Inferno, Hammer Road Hawg, Columbia 300 Action Packed, Rotogrip Spare Tire


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2006, 01:04:32 AM »
Like everyone is saying...don't worry about it bro. your time will come. I got my only 300 game like 7yrs ago, and what seems kinda strange is that night it was just one strike after another without much effort at all...I must have had what seemed like a 3 board area that night...just keep practicing and enjoying the game and it will come believe me.


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2006, 06:56:01 AM »
Ive averaged 200+ for 5 years now and ive  watched most of my friends throw 300s and 800s and i finally broke the barrier and got both this year. Ive had front nine and last eleven too many times to count.

Just keep at it and they will eventually come.
A winner is one who keeps on trying
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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2006, 08:58:41 AM »

The honor scores come when you least expect it.  Expect and strive to execute your shot at your target as best you can.  Match up your equipment to the condition where you maximize your hold area and swing area as best you can.  Then simply execute each and every shot to the best of your ability.

My first honor score was a mind-blower!

I start out with a 278 & 234...  I start out the 3rd game with the 1st 6; and my thought was I was going to win the high series for the league - which was my goal - it was the last week of the season.  I tell this to my wiser teammate; he replies "just keep going..."

I was locked in and comfortable because I had achieved my goal in my mind - I had no further expectations for the night.  Then I got 7, 8, 9 in a row and all of a sudden, I'm in virgin territory in league.  I had never got there before.  Nerves set in - now too much conscious thought was going on!  I got the 10th & 11th strikes and...  Way too much conscious thought!  I fouled on the 12th ball!  But if you're keeping track - I shot 802 for the evening!

The mental game is the key to getting your honor scores.  Focus on perhaps one swing thought, but then it's critical that you focus on your target and allow your subconscious to bowl!  Your subconscious is quite capable of bowling honor scores if you can learn to allow it to do so!  Stay out of your own way and you can accomplish great things!  If you find your mind racing when the pressure's on (pressure comes from your self-expectations!), remember to just watch your target and allow the execution you've trained yourself to do in practice.

Train yourself in practice, then in competition, focus on your target and allow your subconscious to bowl!
