That's the hard part for a good bowler. There's no place for you to just have fun bowling anymore. You either have to bowl competitive leagues, or you get looked at as some monster that just likes to beat up the cappers in a fun league - despite all you really want is to have an evening having fun bowling with your family. It's too bad that some people have to be such douchebags, but there always seems to be at least one team of them to ruin it for you. I've seen it everywhere I've bowled or centers I've worked in.
You can't control others. I think, since you have seen the true colors of these people and don't plan to patronize their establishment anymore, that pursuing it any further is a waste of your time and energy. Just let it go and move on. Sure, they'll think they won and that they ran off the big bad team, but odds are they'll wind up alienating the rest of their clientele with their pettiness and others will follow your lead and leave. I've seen that happen too. Besides, why care what a few petty douchebags think about you?
Internet Tough Guy
Cyberspace Sheep Lover