Sounds like you're a high to high medium tracker. I asked that question in casae the track showed you were a spinner or a full roller. The Second Dimension was a polished ball and playing around the 6 board on most house shots are the dry part of the lane. Not in all houses. But as mentioned, if you can get a polished ball to hook playing that line, then more then likely the Nano is burning up. You would have to move your feet and target left (providing that you are a right handed bowler, opposite if you are a left handed bowler). Maybe try your feet at 26 and target about 12 out to 8. This might not line you up, but it might show the totential of the ball going through oil to the dry rather then just laying the ball down in the dry.
Sometimes its hard for the bowler to see their own shot burn up. Someoen that is watching that knows about bowling balls burning up would help. The ball hooks early. If you lay it down in the dry, it probably starts to hook right away expending a lot of its energy early having nothing left to hook in the back end. So you will the the ball to start to hook early and then flatten out, no continuation. With most house oil patterns, you would have to get the ball inside and fade out to the dry. Hopefully there is oil inside. Since we don't know the oil pattern, we can't say for certain, but I'm fairly sure the ball is burning up.
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Edited by Nicanor on 4/7/2011 at 9:14 AM