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Author Topic: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)  (Read 16418 times)

Dan Belcher

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Since it seems I'm the only person on these forums with any real experience with these, I figured I'd spread the wealth and give you guys some more detailed info on Vise's new interchangeable thumb product, the IT.

Here is the actual removable slug portion of the thumb, complete with a white plastic screw base.

Here is the thumbhole where the slug base screws into the ball.

The thin black ring around the top of the thumbhole provides support and consistent spacing so the slug fits each ball the same.

The base is secured in the thumbhole of the ball with both glue on the plastic base, plus a molly that is expanded and glued into a smaller hole drilled inside the thumbhole.  Here is a picture of a base and slug screwed together before being installed:

And for comparison's sake, here's the Vise IT slug (right) compared to the Turbo Switchgrip (left)

Here's a crash course on how it's installed (but PLEASE carefully read the directions Vise includes in the kit, this is just a quick overview.  It's really simple once you figure it out, but you need to make sure you follow the directions exactly as Vise has written them!)

After marking the grip center line, drill the hole at the size indicated in the instruction manual for the size thumb slug you wish to use with the kit's included drill bit (and bevel the edges a little to prevent cracking, of course)  You will ALSO drill a smaller second hole inside this.  This hole will acommodate the molly.  It needs to be exactly 1 inch deep for the IT to fit properly.  (Sorry I didn't get any pictures of this part)

Install the black plastic ring in the top of the thumbhole

The kit comes with a tool to install the base -- it's essentially a hollow slug with a T-shaped handle on top.

After you do a test fit to make sure everything is OK, spread some glue over the white plastic base and the molly

Place the base and molly in the ball, aligning the slug with the grip center line.

As the glue is setting, drop one of the small molly extenders (not pictured, they look like a small plastic peg) into the hole in the handle of the installer.  Use the included tool that looks like a screwdriver without a bit to gently hammer the molly extender into place.  (Sorry I didn't get any pictures of this part either)

Once the glue has set after about 30 seconds or so, you can unscrew the installation slug and remove it, leaving behind the base and molly.  The ball is ready for use now if you already have the thumb slug drilled.

Now, as for drilling the actual thumb slug, Vise includes a special bowling ball just for this.  Place the ball on the press and drill the hole with zero pitch.

After the thumb is drilled, you can then place it in the ball, lock it into place, and cut down on the slug to make it level and work out the thumbhole as necessary just as you would do with any regular thumb slug.



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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2008, 10:35:24 PM »
good information Dan.  Looks like a solid product.  when's the release date for these?


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2008, 10:54:13 PM »
They are available now. I have been putting them in some balls for about a week. GREAT PRODUCT as are ALL of VISE products. The one thing that surprised me was that when I change my spare ball from the reg thumb insert to the "IT", it added almost a 1/4 oz to the finger weight.
I now reccomend this product to all my customers that have a variety of equip. with at least 3 different sizes to allow for the swelling and shrinking in their thumb so you don't have to keep changing tape.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2008, 11:33:20 PM »
They JUST were released in the past couple of weeks.  My ball driller loved the product when he saw it at Bowl Expo and ordered the kit then.  It shipped out a few days later.

And yes, being able to avoid constantly changing out tape on a myriad of balls is a great, great thing!


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 01:00:34 AM »
Now, as for drilling the actual thumb slug, Vise includes a special bowling ball just for this. Place the ball on the press and drill the hole with zero pitch.

Stupid question maybe but my thumb pitch is 1/4 forward, how do you fix that if the hole is drilled with zero pitch?  


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 01:11:33 AM »
that looks somewhat difficult to install, I will have to try it on an old ball.
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2008, 06:59:18 AM »
that looks somewhat difficult to install, I will have to try it on an old ball.
It sounds tougher than it is just because there's several steps.  It's actually really simple once you figure it out.  (Especially after you already have the thumb slug drilled and you're just prepping the rest of your bowling balls)  Drill a big hole, drill a smaller hole inside it, bevel the outside edge, vacuum out the dust.  Glue the base in the ball.  That's really all you're doing.  And when drilling the slug itself, that's no different than drilling any regular thumb slug really.  Also, there's a small disposable metal disc at the bottom of the thumb slug that lets you know when you've drilled deep enough -- you'll feel the drillbit hit that disc.  After you drill it, you can pop the metal disc right out and throw it away.

Now, as for drilling the actual thumb slug, Vise includes a special bowling ball just for this. Place the ball on the press and drill the hole with zero pitch.

Stupid question maybe but my thumb pitch is 1/4 forward, how do you fix that if the hole is drilled with zero pitch?  
You drill the hole in the slug at zero pitch.  However, you drill your actual ball with the correct pitch.  When you actually install the slug in the ball, the slug itself fits at the correct pitch in the ball therefore, the hole will have the correct pitch relative to your ball.  (And yes, the slug is too tall for the hole so that you can trim off the top so that you can get a level surface despite the slug being at an angle in the ball).  I am using 1/8" reverse in my thumb just fine with this.  The reason you have a special ball for drilling the slug has something to do with the torque of the drill press and keeping the slug from breaking.  The drilling ball has extra reinforcement to hold the slug in place.

Mike Austin

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 12:53:27 PM »

Thanks for the info and the pictures, very nice!

Jim Nesbitt/Vise have changed this thumb a few times in design before production.  Jim was sitting behind me during the 2007 Tour Trials, when I was making a good run during the last day.  My Switch Grip busted, the ball flew up in the air, pulling me out on to the lane, almost hitting me in the head on the way down, and landing on the lane on the pair next to me.  Just about pulled my thumb out of my arm.  Jim swore that they were not going to release the product until it was unbreakable.  He did not want to see what happened to me happen to anyone else.

Jim consulted with me a few times, not much on the IT thumb, I had copies of preliminary instructions to review, gave him some thoughts.  He wanted to know if he could use my name and TT story.  Super Nice people, good products, I have the kit coming to me soon.  Can't wait to try it.
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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2008, 02:45:44 PM »
So, you need to be able to drill 4 inches into the ball?

A regular slug is between 2 1/2 and 3 inches.  And the secondary hole has to be another inch further than that?
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2008, 03:04:29 PM »
The second hole is very thin -- it's only wide enough to accomodate that small molly at the bottom after it's expanded slightly.  I think we may have used a 1/2" bit on it.  But yes, overall you do have to drill deeper than normal to accomodate for this.  We had to adjust the drill press slightly for this to work since it was actually set too high when my ball driller got it originally.


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2008, 03:20:11 PM »
Yes, almost 4"deep total the small drill is 1/2" size. The "ball safety molly" the part that goes into the 1/2" hole is almost 1". Having put 9 of these in so far, "It" is, in my opinion, the BEST going!! I have also been told that "IT" hopefully will accomodate custom thumbs down the line!!.

Edited on 7/24/2008 6:50 PM

Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2008, 03:34:24 PM »
Yes, almost 4"deep total the small drill is 1/2" size. The "ball safety molly" the part that goes into the 1/2" hole is almost 1". Having put 9 of these in so far, "It" is, in my opinion, the BEST going!! I have also been told that "IT" hopefully will accomodate custom thumbs!!.
And I guarantee you this -- the "ball safety molly" part works.  My ball driller got distracted when installing these when a rush of customers flooded in the door the other night and he forgot to glue the base on one of the balls.  When I threw the ball, the slug stayed in the ball!  It stretched out of the thumbhole about a half inch but quickly sank back into place.  I didn't kill myself hanging in the ball, and the slug and ball were not damaged.  Very cool!


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2008, 03:44:43 PM »
In the testing, Jim told me, and in the video they have included with the kits, OVER 500 LBS of pressure was used to try to make the "IT" break or separate and "IT" WITHSTOOD the challange!!!

Edited on 7/28/2008 4:54 PM


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2008, 04:39:35 PM »

Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2008, 05:23:22 PM »
The IT thumbs worked well for me today in the 3rd block of the Kentucky Open.  I struggled the first two blocks and was only +130 or so, but rallied back with 3 great games and 2 good games to get up to +346 I believe.  I went from 43rd to 19th place to make the cut to the last day.  I was able to switch balls and get a consistent feel from ball to ball, plus I was able to switch to another thumb insert when my thumb started to swell up when the temperature went up.