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Author Topic: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)  (Read 16417 times)

Dan Belcher

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Since it seems I'm the only person on these forums with any real experience with these, I figured I'd spread the wealth and give you guys some more detailed info on Vise's new interchangeable thumb product, the IT.

Here is the actual removable slug portion of the thumb, complete with a white plastic screw base.

Here is the thumbhole where the slug base screws into the ball.

The thin black ring around the top of the thumbhole provides support and consistent spacing so the slug fits each ball the same.

The base is secured in the thumbhole of the ball with both glue on the plastic base, plus a molly that is expanded and glued into a smaller hole drilled inside the thumbhole.  Here is a picture of a base and slug screwed together before being installed:

And for comparison's sake, here's the Vise IT slug (right) compared to the Turbo Switchgrip (left)

Here's a crash course on how it's installed (but PLEASE carefully read the directions Vise includes in the kit, this is just a quick overview.  It's really simple once you figure it out, but you need to make sure you follow the directions exactly as Vise has written them!)

After marking the grip center line, drill the hole at the size indicated in the instruction manual for the size thumb slug you wish to use with the kit's included drill bit (and bevel the edges a little to prevent cracking, of course)  You will ALSO drill a smaller second hole inside this.  This hole will acommodate the molly.  It needs to be exactly 1 inch deep for the IT to fit properly.  (Sorry I didn't get any pictures of this part)

Install the black plastic ring in the top of the thumbhole

The kit comes with a tool to install the base -- it's essentially a hollow slug with a T-shaped handle on top.

After you do a test fit to make sure everything is OK, spread some glue over the white plastic base and the molly

Place the base and molly in the ball, aligning the slug with the grip center line.

As the glue is setting, drop one of the small molly extenders (not pictured, they look like a small plastic peg) into the hole in the handle of the installer.  Use the included tool that looks like a screwdriver without a bit to gently hammer the molly extender into place.  (Sorry I didn't get any pictures of this part either)

Once the glue has set after about 30 seconds or so, you can unscrew the installation slug and remove it, leaving behind the base and molly.  The ball is ready for use now if you already have the thumb slug drilled.

Now, as for drilling the actual thumb slug, Vise includes a special bowling ball just for this.  Place the ball on the press and drill the hole with zero pitch.

After the thumb is drilled, you can then place it in the ball, lock it into place, and cut down on the slug to make it level and work out the thumbhole as necessary just as you would do with any regular thumb slug.



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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2008, 05:37:52 PM »
So, if I buy a used ball with one of these in it, how do I get it out prior to plugging the hole?
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2008, 08:04:54 PM »
You can just drill it out and plug it easily.  The molly will come right out (stuck to the drillbit) without having to drill all the way down to the bottom of that smaller hole.  We tested that already by accident before we realized you need to drill the molly hole at least 1" deep.     And it's not a huge hole like you get with the Turbo switchgrip, so it's easier to plug as well.


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2008, 01:19:15 PM »

Do you guys have an estimated cost to get started with this?

How much more are the slugs to use for these?  I'm assuming from the pics that the slug is different than a regular slug, as it looks like the screw base is part of the slug.

How big of hole do you need to drill to start out with?  Are the slugs standard 1 1/8, 1 1/4, and 1 3/8?  Since you have to install that black plastic ring, that adds a little bit to the size of the hole, or are the slugs sized smaller to compensate?
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2008, 02:10:05 PM »
I do not know the cost of the kit.  Hopefully raiderh20boy knows more of the pro shop operator-centric details.  (I don't drill my equipment, I just try to be as knowledgeable as possible to make sure it gets done right)  However, I do know the slugs ARE standard sized slugs, and you must drill a slightly larger hole to accomodate the plastic ring.  The kits DOES include drill bits specifically for this purpose.


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2008, 04:37:27 PM »
To answer a few questions.
The "IT" can be used in the 1 1/8, 1 1/4 and 1 3/8 size. You (pro shop) will drill the actual hole 1/16" larger hole to accomodate a "top sleeve" which will allow the thumb insert to slide in freely and lock in. The insert is the regular VISE brand "easy slug" with the "IT" added to to it.  VISE sells the starter kits with everything including the 1 5/16 and 1 7/16 drill bits and enough complete slugs in both sizes to do about 12 of each (not the 1 1/8 size) PLUS all the tools needed and glue and storage racks with a wholesale price savings of OVER $100 !!!!!
As far as the price to get these from a pro shop I'm sure it will vary in different areas of the country.
I am at training camp with THE OAKLAND RAIDERS but I will try to answer any more questions in the evenings!

Edited on 7/28/2008 10:56 PM

Nor Cal Bowler

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2008, 02:19:04 PM »
Wow, that seems cool!
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2008, 07:08:10 AM »
ttt since I've had some questions about these.


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2008, 07:29:39 AM »
Whatever happened to K.I.S.S.?

While some of the features of this product are likely what pro shop operators have asked for, is it really worth all the extra time and added steps?
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2008, 07:41:56 AM »
If your thumb changes sizes by a lot all the time, and you are picky about having a good fit from ball to ball, then yes these are very much worth the effort!

Trust me, this sounds difficult to install just because the installation steps I wrote out are pretty detailed, but as my ball driller says to me every time I punch up a new ball "I love installing these things -- they're so easy!!"  It only takes a couple minutes to do these thumbs.  Compared to just regular thumb slugs, he doesn't have to whittle out the oval on my thumb every time, he doesn't have to work on the bevel, etc.  And compared to Switch Grips and Thom's Thumb, they're much easier to get the same on each ball (we're not running into the usual problems like the thumb not seating down as far in one ball as it does in another like I've seen from Switch Grips).  Not to mention these things are infinitely less likely to break in the middle of your swing than a Switch Grip, which is a definite plus!

It's been a life saver for me.  I can take my thumb insert out and put it in another ball and get the same exact feel since the Vise IT is easier than other interchangeable thumbs to install properly.  If it's a hot day and I'm in the 9th game of a tournament and my hand is starting to swell, or if it's a cold, dry day and I haven't picked up a ball in a week, my thumb changes sizes drastically.  Since I have a couple different sleeves, I can swap out the two thumbs instead of adding or removing 80 pieces of tape.

Edited on 9/3/2008 7:42 AM


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2008, 08:09:05 AM »
If I remeber correctly from the trade show the starter kit was like $500.00 wholesale. I'm just waiting on my final decision for a new press before I order it. It is available for straight shank or #2 morse taper bits. I'm looking forward to doing these for my equipment as my thumb shrinks a ton as i bowl and i add anywher from  3-6 pieces of white tape over the course of a set.
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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2008, 02:05:52 PM »
The starter kit is $399.00. It drill bits are straight shank only as far as I know. You can check with VISE  about the taper bits.


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2008, 02:48:44 PM »
Thoms Thumb works great except it takes some time changing out the inserts.  When you have a few minutes of practice before a league or tournament, you really have to have more than one insert of the same size to use in the other balls you would like to try.  This is the only down side i see using this type of insert.  The Vise IT system looks interesting except I am not sure I would trust the plastic piece that is glued on to the bottom of the slug to hold.  Once you drill the hole, I feel the wall of the slug will be smaller and leave little space to hold on the the plastic piece.  I have not seen this product, only saw pictures and could not get a sample from Vise to look at.  Am I right in my assumption ?


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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2008, 03:02:41 PM »
We were told the $399.00 was a trade show only price and that otherwise it would be $499.00
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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2008, 03:56:11 PM »
A response I just got back from Vice about the #2 morse taper bits

The Morse Taper drill bits are now available for the IT KIT.  There is an extra charge of $25.00 per drill bit.

Brad Stark

Vise Inserts / Exactacator, Inc.

2237 Stage Coach Road

Stockton, CA 95215



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Re: Vise IT interchangeable thumb details (lots of pics included!)
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2008, 04:04:57 PM »
For stormed 1, all I can say is that I get product from Exactacator/VISE 1-2 times a month and on the invoice the starter kit is priced at $399.
For Stan, I can tell you that the "sleeve that you put in the thumb hole is 1" tall and if you put it in close to the top edge of the sleeve you will have about 7/8" of that sleeve for "support"? of the inserts even though the insert is LOCKED in at the bottom. As far as the locking mechanism? coming loose, there is a molley put into it to expand with enough pressure and glue to hold with over 500 lbs of pressure applied and still NOT COMING LOOSE if put in correctly.
I hope this will answer your doubt but if not, ask and I will try to clarify a little better. I havn't "unwound" from our game yesterday with the Jets and a VICTORY MONDAY is a day off to relax!!