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Author Topic: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?  (Read 3977 times)


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What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« on: June 10, 2006, 07:46:43 AM »
Keep seeing referencs to a "RICO" or "rico" drilling on several reviews and I have no idea what it means or what reaction it's supposed to provoke from the ball. Anyone?




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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2006, 04:38:04 PM »
its a drilling style where the pin is located at the grip center with the cg down at a 45 degree angle, and usually requires a weight hole 2 on line with the pap and down two inches from grip center, it normally produces a smooth rolling reaction starting in the midlane
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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2006, 06:42:16 PM »
It's just as Mike decribed. both the low pin and the CG and weight hole all make the ball go into a roll a LOT earlier than the basic ball design calls for. Be very cautious about what kind of ball you do this to and where you want to use such a ball. It does not JUST put control on the ball; it makes the ball usable on several degrees more oil (but within the coverstock's abilities) than you'd expect, reducing the backend to a lare degree and making the ball curve more.
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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2006, 10:13:24 PM »
Would this be a good drilling for a 48 foot flat oil pattern, say something like the BTM put out this year?

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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 10:42:22 PM »
Now what happens for higher track players that have a down PAP measurement?  I tried a Rico drill with the Powergroove Solid and while it rolled well, it pulled the bowtie to below the midline and flared backwards.  It also flared about 3-4 inches, catching the thumbhole in the middle of all of the rings.  I made the weighthole a bit bigger and it helped the problem a little but I thought it was just too funky to have my PAP go from 5 1/2 right and 3/16ths down to 4 5/8 right and 1 1/4 up just from lowering the pin to the midline.

...or did I get one of those "funky" P-Grooves where the cylinders were off in the ball?  I have seen/drilled/and thrown some with some pretty standard drillings that offered some unique/opposite type reactions.
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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2006, 01:29:26 PM »
This is on the Rico layout there is a picture that goes with this but I could not get it to paste with the explanation
Unique Ball Layout: Pin Down


The purpose of this layout is to create arc off the breakpoint. Higher pins tend to react to friction much more quickly. They tend to provide a more sudden move. When the pin placement is lowered it is to achieve an arc shape. When you use this type of arc motion you will want to see the ball make a move sooner on the lane. If you use a quicker response layout (higher pin) the ball tends to make a more sudden move to the friction so you cannot use a break point closer to yourself. This quicker move usually over hooks or makes a jerk/stop motion. You have to slow the ball down with surface too much in the front part of the lane to create the arc shape we would be looking for. Too much surface effects carry. So, it is a scoring pace consideration.

We have had success using this layout curving the lane or going up the lane. We have not had much success with this layout if it gets too far down the lane. Because of this our surface consideration is to make sure it reads early enough. When going up the lane with this layout we usually overlook the shell.

When curving the lane we look to match the cover-stock more closely. We do not want it slowing down too much in the front. Your angles should be such that you can move further away from the friction with an earlier break point. This will allow the ball to make a more rounded motion. When doing this we typically use quicker response covers to try and smooth them out. This combination allows you to use more angle and recovery. We find that you do not have to play too close to the friction. You should be able to keep your eyes left of the early friction, but if you hit the friction it does not jerk or stop. The angle is used to create hold. It is very effective when you want to stay inside of a worn track area; mistakes to the right do not over bounce. We like to match the surface with the lower friction area inside of the higher friction spot of the lane.

The weight hole is a necessary part of this layout as it moves the bowtie up. Lowering the pin will bring the bow tie down, usually causing the track to flare over the fingers. Using the weight hole will raise the bowtie back up to allow the flare to stay above the fingers.

When going up the lane you want to make sure you have chosen a slow enough response cover or have slowed it down with surface.




Don Smith
F.O.S. To the Bone
Cobalt,Tsunami(X2),Black Cherry Bomb,Golden Nugget,Pearl Uranium
And Always Looking For More (BBE)


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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2006, 03:47:04 PM »
So what coverstocks should I try to use with this drilling? Give me an example of some balls I should look at as well as some I should NOT look at.



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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2006, 10:35:52 PM »
But what conditions would a Rico drill shine on?  Long heavy patterns? Wet/dry patterns? Burnt lanes?

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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2006, 10:44:57 PM »
mine is way stronger than I thought it would be... I would use it on what ever shot the ball was intended for, like total shock and awe, use it for flood, action packed use it on med. and cross fire, short shot. I feel if you get the ball to far out of its element it wont work right. if there isint enough oil than the ball should be used for then it will most likely use energy to early and roll out, and if there is to much then it probably wont have enough drive at the pins for carry. but if used on the right shot then it is amazing, have it on my actionpacked and absolutly loveit.
ancient chineese proverb:
"I'm not as think as you drunk I am"

EDIT: in short the layout shines on what ever the ball is made for. you just cant force it on anything.

Edited on 6/11/2006 10:42 PM


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Re: What is a RICO drilling and what does it do?
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2006, 10:48:24 PM »
I'm not sure where the explanation you have came from, but to continue on the weight hole explanation. The weighthole not only raises the bow tie but it also increases the asymmetry which increases the movement and the continuation. This layout is a combination of the pin placement as well as the weighthole. Not so much one or the other.
Ric Hamlin
Pacific Northwest Product Specialist
Brunswick Bowling

AKA "Rico"

Go to In the search bar to left of screen type in Unique layout Pin down once it opens up goto third item down
it will read
at another box will open in your screen go down to item #19 it will show a picture of it with the discription
Don Smith
F.O.S. To the Bone
Cobalt,Tsunami(X2),Black Cherry Bomb,Golden Nugget,Pearl Uranium
And Always Looking For More (BBE)