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Author Topic: Question about how to handle the local center  (Read 1713 times)


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Question about how to handle the local center
« on: January 25, 2009, 11:43:29 PM »
Hey everyone.  Let me first give a little backround about myself.  I started bowling when I was 12 years old and bowled until I was 26 in the same center.  I bowled in the junior scratch traveling league when I was younger and the centers scratch league when I left juniors.  I have recently taken 5 years off and this is my first year back.  IT has been probably the most frustrating year of bowling of my life.  I realize that I can't expect miracles after taking that many years off.  Anyway I was always between 210 and 215 average wise when I was bowling very often.  This year I am currently 201 after 63 games.

   That is enough about me here is the real questions I have.  The shot for the first couple of months of the season was pretty good.  It stayed for about a game and a half and then you chased the pattern left which is pretty typical.  The last 10 weeks or so the shot has gotten progressively drier each week to start.  They have been the most inconsistent lanes I think I have ever bowled on from week to week.  It is not only me that is having the problems.  The league average has dropped about 6 pins per person over this time.  Take this past week for instant we had about 8 guys not even break 500 which is ridiculous for a scratch league.  Am I out of place wanting to go the owners and ask them why they have changed things??  Or is I am just not as competive as I used to be and just want a relatively consistant shot from week to week?  

  Also I feel like they just don't care about the business anymore.  There is so much grit and sand on the sett-tees and approaches it is like walking on a desert.  I asked them why there is so much garbage and one of the managers told me they sweep them twice a week.  I thought twice a week is crazy when there is leagues 7 nights a week.  This just proves to me that they don't care like they used to.
    Sorry about the long rant I felt really frustrated and just wanted a little feedback on how to handle it.  Thanks  



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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2009, 07:56:26 AM »

  This isn't as uncommon an occurence as it would seem. Many centers have oiling machines that need maintenance that they do not recieve.  From the sound of this place ( only sweeping twice a week ), it sounds to me like maintenance isn't very high on their list.

  As bowling balls have become more and more powerful, they have also become more oil sensitive, that is to say that they react strongly to slight variations in the amount of oil on the lane much more than older balls did.

  The situation you describe is very familiar to me, the same thing seems to happen here a lot.  The only saving grace is that here the lane man also bowls on the league and TRIES to fix the problems when they arise.  Thing is, he has had to teach himself how to fix the machine and doesn't always get it right the first few times, leaving the league with a "guessing game" condition every few weeks.  A new oiling machine might fix the problem, but only for a while until it too wears down and needs maintenance.

  Short of an intervention by GOD himself, I don't really know what to tell you about it.  At least now you know you're not the only one out there with this problem.
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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2009, 08:01:30 AM »
From your last paragraph, I think anything you say would be moot.  Sweep twice a week?  WTF?  Every center I've ever worked or bowled in would at least run a dust mop over the entire settee area/approaches at least once a day.  I've known a couple that would do it between open bowling and leagues while they were re-oiling the lanes.  Wet mop was usually twice a week at the places I worked (more often if necessary). Vacuum was run every day over any carpeted areas.


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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2009, 08:16:39 AM »
BLAKEBOY300 welcome to the CURRENT world of bowling! At one time you would be smart to take your complaint to management and they would strive to correct things .. now days if you threatened to move the league you can't get the league to back you .. no win situation .. all you can do is make the best of it and consider moving next season!
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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2009, 08:21:34 AM »
Is it just me, or is this the most duplicated post ever?  I think every day or two someone is on here actually complaining about their house shots being too tough and wanting to call Jesse Jackson to come in and make a change.

Scratch league, guys not breaking 500, means, you guys aren't scratch bowlers.
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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2009, 08:38:06 AM »
i bowl in a dumpy little not well maintained house, and after city tournament this past weekend i realized its time to go to another house. i enjoy bowling far to much to be doing it in a place that doesn't care

we warmed up on 9-10, and before i could roll my 1st official ball the rake would not work, so they moved up to the only break down pair in the house, which , happens to be the worst pair in the house............
member : F.O.S.

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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 08:43:38 AM »
i bowl in a dumpy little not well maintained house, and after city tournament this past weekend i realized its time to go to another house. i enjoy bowling far to much to be doing it in a place that doesn't care

we warmed up on 9-10, and before i could roll my 1st official ball the rake would not work, so they moved up to the only break down pair in the house, which , happens to be the worst pair in the house............
member : F.O.S.

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  At least you HAVE a breakdown pair.  Our house booked a full house league, so, if your lanes breakdown and can't be fixed, you have to either stay and bowl after everyone else is through ( which they discourage because they want to close up and go home ) or you have to come back before the next session and post bowl.
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Re: Question about how to handle the local center
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2009, 08:55:46 AM »
Thanks guys for the input so far.  I am thinking the only will it will get better for me is if I grind it out and go somewhere else next year or if new owners take over.  I  don't see the second option happening so it might be my last year in this center.  The other problem is the next closest house if 40-50 minutes away and the northeast that is a ton in the winter.