This isn't as uncommon an occurence as it would seem. Many centers have oiling machines that need maintenance that they do not recieve. From the sound of this place ( only sweeping twice a week ), it sounds to me like maintenance isn't very high on their list.
As bowling balls have become more and more powerful, they have also become more oil sensitive, that is to say that they react strongly to slight variations in the amount of oil on the lane much more than older balls did.
The situation you describe is very familiar to me, the same thing seems to happen here a lot. The only saving grace is that here the lane man also bowls on the league and TRIES to fix the problems when they arise. Thing is, he has had to teach himself how to fix the machine and doesn't always get it right the first few times, leaving the league with a "guessing game" condition every few weeks. A new oiling machine might fix the problem, but only for a while until it too wears down and needs maintenance.
Short of an intervention by GOD himself, I don't really know what to tell you about it. At least now you know you're not the only one out there with this problem.

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