The nerves that run through your carpal tunnel in the wrist, provide feeling to your thumb, index, middle and inside of your ring finger. Waking up with numb fingers, is one of the warning signs for Carpal Tunnel syndrome. It doesn't mean that you have a severe case or anything, just that the nerves in your wrist have become inflamed or aggravated. I have known several people, including myself, who have dealt with this. If it continues to happen, I would recommend that you go to the pharmacy and buy a wrist brace that keeps your from bending your wrist, and sleep with it on. That and some alleve, and you should feel better in a week. If that doesn't help, I would agree with everyone else that you should have it checked with a doctor.
"Some people are like slinkies, not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."