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Author Topic: Walter Ray... what ball was he using?  (Read 805 times)

Ric Clint

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Walter Ray... what ball was he using?
« on: February 14, 2004, 10:31:23 AM »
For the 9 game block where he averaged 263, does anybody know what all 9 of his games were IN ORDER... 1st game, 2nd game, 3rd game, 4th game, 5th game, etc...?

He probably shot 2-800's and a high 700!

ALSO... what ball was he using and and what line was he playing?



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Re: Walter Ray... what ball was he using?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2004, 01:35:57 AM »
I just finished watching the strike pass shows. I don't know what happened in qualifying, but this happened in match play at least in the round of 16 and 8.

In the beginning, he'd use a polished up Track Crunch time playing from about 15 to about 5 with some loft and speed. After there was some carrydown, he used a Phenom Unleashed (played the same area) and let the ball roll early and stop in the pocket.
-Jeremy Vitug


"Guys, guys, guys... listen. I have a fever... and the only prescription is more cowbell!"



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Re: Walter Ray... what ball was he using?
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2004, 07:53:02 AM »
Ric, if you go to his website, he has a area where he has his score card that shows games and scores in order and what pins were left standing if he didn't strike. He also, usually writes a report about the conditions, and other info about his round and sometimes post pictures of the equipment, with drill patterns to be seen, on there also. I thoink it's pretty good. A lot of times I've checked and it's updated the very next day. Check it out.


Edited on 2/15/2004 9:12 AM