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Author Topic: I need a ruling  (Read 1740 times)

Gene J Kanak

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I need a ruling
« on: February 13, 2005, 01:10:11 PM »
Hey everyone,

Ah the joys of being the VP of a damn Sunday night mixed league. OK, here's what happened:  Bowler A is in the third game of his league set. Right around the eighth frame or so, when it is not his turn, he goes two pair of lanes over and throws a couple of practice balls with a guy who has already finished up his league set and is open bowling. Fresh with confidence after tossing a couple of practice strikes, Bowler A goes back over to his lanes and goes off the sheet to narrowly pull out a victory for his team. Bowler A is happy, the other team is not. They claim that it is illegal for him to practice while league play is going on, thus, they register a protest. Here's the question: What is the rule regarding practice while league is still in session? He threw the practice shots on a different pair of lanes, but is that still a violation? If so, what is the penalty? I will do my best to find the answer, but I know that some of you are very good with the rules. I need to have this sorted out by next week. Position in a very mediocre mixed league depends upon it! Any help you all can give me will be appreciated.

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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2005, 09:21:10 PM »
Not illegal as far as I know. I once bowled sets for 2 leagues on pairs that were side by side and never heard anything about that.
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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2005, 09:34:25 PM »
I have the Rule book in .pdf format and could not find anything that says it is illegal when I do a search for key words that would be in the rule.
I think this is a ruling for the league rules and or the Association board.
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Edited on 2/13/2005 10:31 PM


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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2005, 09:42:40 PM »
No, if they are practicing and it is their turn and they are not imeediately available they get 0 for the frame, or if the league has a rule on it.

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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2005, 11:31:38 PM »
bowler257628 You are partially correct about the 0 for the frame.  The 0 is only if the bowler refuses to bowl when asked.  We had a team that was always off when it was their turn to bowl.  We checked the rule and found that there was really nothing we could do since they returned to the lanes once you hunted them down and told them it was their turn.

As for the original question, there is no ABC/WIBC that says a bowler cannot practice during league.
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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 04:02:12 AM »
A bowler can practice, play 47 games if he/she wants, AS LONG AS.....the lanes he/she are NOT the lanes he/SHE will be using for league play. Once the league has started, as in this case, finished, and he wants to throw 47 balls, he did nothing illegal. The only time illegal play comes into it, IF he/she uses the lanes he/she will be using for league play. If they want to practice on 1 $ @ and the league will NOT be using those lanes...they can bowl all night/day and have done nothing wrong.

my 2 cents are WAY up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2005, 04:28:40 AM »

A bowler can practice, play 47 games if he/she wants, AS LONG AS.....the lanes he/she are NOT the lanes he/SHE will be using for league play. Once the league has started, as in this case, finished, and he wants to throw 47 balls, he did nothing illegal. The only time illegal play comes into it, IF he/she uses the lanes he/she will be using for league play. If they want to practice on 1 $ @ and the league will NOT be using those lanes...they can bowl all night/day and have done nothing wrong.

i understood this rule to be rescinded.  couldn't find reference to it in the current rule book.  do you have the paragraph number?  thanx
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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2005, 04:55:25 AM »
Overhand,  you are correct, the is NO rule prohibiting a bowler fromn practicing on their assigned league lanes before the league starts.  The "What's the Question" link at answers this one.  

As for the original question, unless the league has a rule prohibiting practice while bowling the league, it's not illegal.

Edited on 2/14/2005 5:52 AM


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Re: I need a ruling
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 05:51:33 AM »
Yes, I jumped was rescinded, my fault, I was going off our league rules as well, we kept it in, due to lane prep, and number of open lanes, etc, I went to the trouble of reprinting all league combined rules and failed to read the "book" mistake, sorry for the confusion.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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