Since the notice of his death, I've been reading up on him, AND his theories on bowling/scoring.
It would seem that, even as early as the 1950's, that he was already talking about technological advancements in bowling allowing higher and higher scoring while requiring less and less from the participants in order to reach those scores.
He was called a nut, a crackpot, and a fool full of useless, baseless theories with no proof. The A.B.C. looked at him more as a nuisance than a benefactor, and continually downplayed the role "modernization" was playing in artificially inflating the scores. From pins, to lane surfaces, to ball technology, he warned them to limit these factors frm the very beginning.
Now we have lighter, double voided pins with higher centers of gravity and more resilient coatings, making them livlier and easier to knock over than ever before. We have lanes designed to have a "perfect" surface, and oils designed to maximize that surface, along with "legal" oiling patterns that make it easier to hit the pocket. And, when you do hit the pocket these days, it is usually with a reactive resin BOMB, which hits the pins MUCH harder than any RUBBER or PLASTIC ball EVER did.
As an example, I use myself. Back in March, I had a job change which precludes me bowling on a league. I finished my last league up in early May and haven't touched a ball in almost two SOLID MONTHS.
I went bowling today, shooting 6 games in a recreational, open play setting, using 14lb equipment. With NO PRACTICE, and WITHOUT BOWLING IN TWO MONTHS, I proceeded to shoot 700 for the first three games, them 646 fr the last three.
There is NO WAY I should've been able to do that. I'm pretty decent, but I'm pretty rusty as well. Bad shots that had NO BUSINESS carrying, struck with almost predictability. Wall shots, messengers, pins bouncing off walls, rolling around the deck and taking out everything. Yet, I could tell I wasn't throwing it all that good and that my timing is off.
I love to score well, but this was ridiculous and far too easy. All I had to do was just get it close and watch the BOMBS explode, BOMBS that thirty years ago wouldn't have even been firecrackers, much less BOMBS.
Perhaps, just perhaps, we should've listened a little more closely.
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"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein