I have a teammate that wanted my recommendation for ball characteristics for his style. When I got to thinking about it, I'm wondering if I was accurate in my suggestion. He has the following characteristics - 14 mph, ~300 rpm, medium tilt, and low axis rotation.
My suggestions were looking for cleaner covers so medium strength and lower like R2X or less, medium-high RG, low-medium diff, probably avoid 2k and down on the surface, and 4.5"-5" PIN-PAP on the drillings but of course his PSO will influence that. The PSO will actually influence the whole thing but I want to fact check myself I guess.
My reasoning for the above characteristics was to help get the ball down the lane without burning off rotation too soon resulting in early roll like he sees a lot.
PS - I know the best recommendation is to have him learn to increase his axis rotation when the lanes call for it.