It seems like this thread and others is asking what motivates people to bowl, or specifically bowl in leagues. Instead of guessing what motivates people I'll explain what motivated me.
Bowled in youth leagues in the 80's cause my parents were league bowlers and took me to their league nights. Don't remember much but I was good and competitive for a 13/14 year old. Stopped bowling probably because girls, cars, money and part time jobs became my motivation.
In my single and married life before kids I golfed. ALOT. Dad taught me to golf too. I had the money and TIME to spend an entire Saturday or Sunday at the golf course with my friends who were also golfers. Well I had my first kid and golfing went away almost overnight.
Later down the road my kids were about 8 and 12 years old and wanted to stop in the bowling alley we kept driving by every day. We did. I was still good and remembered how to hit the pocket and look good doing it! I've been hooked on bowling again ever since that day. It satisfies my need to compete and hang out with like minded adults and be social. Doesn't take as much time or money as golf.
Being exposed and taught how to bowl correctly at a young age was a contributing factor to me coming back to bowling. I'm sure we are all getting our kids to bowl or at least trying. All of the competitive bowlers in my leagues have kids that can bowl their asses off and sometimes or most of the time beat their parents so I know for a fact we are doing our part.
What else can we do?
Anybody tried recruiting league bowlers from their work or any place else where you frequently see adults that have lives just like or similar to our own??? Doesn't matter if they know how to bowl or not does it??? Anybody can be taught the basics. Then then let their ability take them wherever their average goes.
Honestly I don't really try to recruit adult age leagues bowlers with any real effort. I'll tell them I bowl in leagues and they should give it a try and see if they like it. Not much effort is given. Maybe I'll step up my game and try a little harder.