The following is an unedited Facebook exchange between area bowler/pro shop operator Scott Long and myself ...
SCOTT: Why are we now giving press, in praising sandbags sir??
ME: I don't understand your question. When have I "praised" or lauded sandbagging?
SCOTT: On Wednesday night, we had a couple of teams decide to sandbag ridiculously. The worst being Delores Meyers team. The lead off bowler shoots 405 with a couple of 120 gms while having a 205 year book...he then proceeds to beat his yearbook average the next 2 weeks(both well over 200 pins total more than the 1st night). Also, besides him setting 67 pins below his yearbook, Delores set 47 pins below hers and her husband set 41 pins below his. Then I see in your article, that you are bragging about her set on Wednesday night where she beat me 707-702 but I was spotting her a whopping 48 pins per game and even adding salt to the wounds by congratulating her for sandbagging the first 2 weeks of the season after averaging 210 during the winter in the same building.
Off of her teams first week....their team set unbreakable records with 467 pins more the 2nd week and then bowled about another 150 pins more than the 2nd week last week or 617 pins total more than week 1's sandbagging.
just in case, the 67, 47, and 41 unders are per game not series.
ME: I see what you are saying, but how was I to determine that from the standings sheets? Of course, I noticed Dolores' low scores in the two previous weeks, but every bowler has off-weeks, and I hardly consider her a sandbagger. As for the other low scores that you mentioned, I rarely pay much attention to low scores (because I'm generally looking for high scores). At any rate, I certainly didn't attempt to promote sandbagging in any way, but thanks for your comments.