rules are there. I bowled for my college while I competed in Adult leagues for money. From what I got from the rules, the adult leagues were considered amateur, so I could compete in collegiate as well.
Here is the part that refers to it:
Professional Membership – Rule 206-Collegiate
Amateur Eligibility – Certified intercollegiate activities are considered amateur events. Individuals who are considered “professionals†pursuant to PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP policy are not eligible to bowl in intercollegiate events.
1. An individual who is classified as a touring and/or resident professional by a professional bowling organization is not eligible for USBC Collegiate membership. If a bowling organization’s title uses the word professional, individuals applying for membership or holding membership, or competing in an event as a professional in that organization shall not be eligible for intercollegiate competition.
2. An individual who has ever held membership or competed as a professional in any professional bowling organization may appeal to USBC Collegiate for a waiver a minimum of one year after the expiration of his or her professional membership.
3. USBC Collegiate will consider reinstatement of amateur status only if the individual has competed as a professional in five (5) or fewer professional events.
If you want to be a legend, then bowl with one--Legends/Lanemaster