I'm looking for a really weak layout for a hyroad pearl. Something that let's me play the dry area. I bowl on kegel challenge series shots, and have nothing weak. I know this ball isn't really made for what i want it for, but I couldn't pass up the deal.
My specs (what I know)
Ball speed 17-18 at the pin deck
Rev rate 400ish
Pap 4 1/4> x 1^
Medium-medium low tilt (havnt had it checked so exact number is unknown at this point.)
Any other info you may need, let me know.
I also tend to belly the ball sometimes which makes it hard to keep the ball from over reacting. Obviously lol
Looking for a smooth layout.
Also, in trying to understand this. If in a symmetrical ball, the strongest pin to pap is 3 3/8. What makes a shorter pin to pap like 1 or 1 1/2 inch make it stronger then a 5 or 5 1/2 inch pin to pap.
Sorry if that's confusing lol