Great insight pooh. I'm a bit of a speed challenged player and I've considered the sarge easter and even just straight conventional(do you get more revs or is the ball roll just defferent between the two?). I don't have too much of a problem with over reaction, although I would not mind being able to play straighter, and maybe these different grips would help keep me from hitting the ball too much, which I have a tendency to do.
Seriously, I just got back from bowling with a 13lb house ball, because I went with people who don't bowl seriously. So I figured why bother trying to be serious and just threw a house ball. I still tried to hook it because that's the natural tendency for me. I didn't even really try my real approach(maybe twice I did), I just walked up to the line without really stopping and ended up still pushing away with my right foot most of the time(I just started timing my push away with the compression of that step recently). I found out pretty quickly that it wasn't very easy to hook the ball with my normal approach because I had too much speed for the plastic ball and I couldn't really put enough revs on the ball. I'm not too sure why that was but I think it was because when I slow everything down I get enough leverage. But balance was bad as always.
I ended up averaging 175+ which is just a tad under my league average. I have to wonder what I could do with reactive equipment drilled conventional, bowling like that.
JustinBowling Boards