I was just looking bowl.com checking out some of my center's better bowlers and there's this one guy with really good talent (300's with both hands). The guy is a lot of fun to bowl against, likes his beer and doesn't take the game too seriously.
Well after he bowls an 800 against us last year the secy gave him the form to fill out and he crumpled it up and threw it on the floor. I thought he was only joking about it since it's his nature. After checking out bowl.com, he had an 800 and a 300 that where never registered with the USBC.
I would give my right nut for an honor score but this guy either doesn't care or he was too drunk to remember if he ever filled out the paper work. I guess for him it's just a night out with the guys. Does anyone else know bowlers like this?
Here's his bowl.com info. He had an 828 and a 300 last spring.
3 holes of fun!!