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Author Topic: Ball Performance Help!!!  (Read 557 times)


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Ball Performance Help!!!
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:46:13 AM »
New here to but long time and avid bowler. Have 2 issues that hopefully you guys can provide some insight to.

1. I have a Raw Hammer Burn, I've had the ball for about 1 1/2 seasons of league(once a week for 36 weeks), when I first got the ball, I had trouble keeping it on the right side of the head pin, which I loved because I throw the ball fairly fast and throw a deep inside angle, so the ball worked beautifully for me, I clean the ball before and after every use and I've had my local pro shop clean it a few times. My issue is the ball is now having quite a bit of trouble coming up, I'm 3-4 boards right of where I like to stand and throwing much more of a down and in shot, even at that the ball is still coming up light and leaving a lot of 10's, rarely did before, is the coverstock already shot? Or is there something I can do to bring it back to life? To give a point of reference as to how weak it has became, I have a Vibe black Onyx that is moving much more than this ball, as far as I can tell and read, that should not be the case and they are drilled identical.  

2. I have just recently purchased a Lane 1 Big Curve, all i read on this ball was it was touted to be the strongest ball on the market, had it drilled pin above ring finger, I have probably 40-50 games on this ball and it has been an absolute joke, from the first time I rolled it out of the box, it has never been too strong for me, quite the opposite, WAY too weak, I've even tried taking the surface down to 500, nothing, anyone have any ideas as to what I can possibly to this ball to get the results that were advertised??

Thanks for any insight or help....