First i would like to congratulate the ladies on doing their best in an impossible situation. I'm sure i would not have been able to handle what they did with grace and a smile on their faces.
Now the rant:
I have been watching and participating in bowling for over 25 years and that was by far the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. The lay person turned on ESPN2 last night and laughed thinking they could shoot 150's. It was a disservice to those talented women.
I have multiple reasons for watching the first of which is I was brought up in a bowling family, my father owns a center, that's what we do we watch bowling on TV. The second is as the father of 2 young girls, I wanted my girls to see that bowling can lead to a future. With time and practice they can be just as good as the boys. If I remember correctly all of the ladies last night bowled competitively in college. How do you explain to a seven year old that the conditions are near impossible and that's why they are missing spares and unable to strike.
The USBC keeps force feeding Open Championships in Reno. But when a chance opens to show off our crown jewel, they have them bowling on what amounts to be a parking lot.
The BPAA should be ashamed. How about a segment highlighting the renovations to the stadium that were just passed by the city board. Let people know that if they liked Reno before it's only going to get better.
The ball companies who had staffers showing off the latest equipment should also be disappointed. I admit I wanted to see Shannon throw the new DV8 equipment. Yes she threw the zombie but i have a spare ball.
The only success in this entire debacle were the ladies. They showed composure and grace that I really dont think the men ever could have with a smile on their faces. Could you imagine Pete, Sean or any of the others.
Rant OFF