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Author Topic: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...  (Read 4145 times)


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Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:33:48 PM »
Add your own. Here's mine...

* Guy in his 30s who used to bowl with his music going. This was before iPod days so he had a garage door opener-size Walkman on his hip with the mini-phones. Wouldn't have been so bad except he refused to talk to anyone, about anything. He'd brush you off or actually tell you, "Go on, man" when tried to approach him. Our secretary tried to ask him where his weekly check was one night and the guy flat-out refused to have a conversation about it until after bowling was over. Last thing I knew about him was that he was scheduled to go to Nationals (this was back around 96). I wonder how that went over with then-ABC officials regarding the  music. And he couldn't bowl a crap without it, either.

* Was bowling league once in Tuscaloosa, Ala., adjacent to a women's league. An older woman got up to bowl about the same time I did and I deferred to her. One of my teammates tells me, "Boy, you just screwed up." I found out why: The woman took between 25-40 seconds on the approach BEFORE EVERY SHOT. Stood there like a statue. And she averaged around 130.

* Another women's league had a team of four lesbian women who called themselves "The Ballbusters." Knew another all-lesbian team who called themselves the "Pinbusters" and who, after every single strike, would do the "Ghostbusters" thing: One of them would yell "Who you gonna call?" and the rest would answer with "PIN BUSTERS!". I'm not labeling here ... both teams were very upfront about being "out." The difference between the two was the "Ballbusters" were friendly and easy-going, mostly out to have a good time, whereas the "Pinbusters" were fairly hostile, I guess trying to prove a point. They did their "Who you gonna call?" thing one night adjacent to a pair of lanes where a guy was about to throw the first in the 10th for 10 in a row, and if he'd hit 300 it would have been the first 300 in that building in 12 years. They made a point to be louder that time. He had to step off the approach and ended up not striking.

* Bowled intramural scratch league in college with a guy who would have his girlfriend sit in the pit area so she could give him shoulder massages in between shots (when they weren't making out like junior-high-schoolers, that is). She had an annoying habit of eating and drinking while there, and this was a non-sanctioned league that didn't even have any officers, so no one could stop it.

* Bowled with a guy who crossed himself somewhere around a dozen times before every shot. Dude.

* And last but not least, had a teammate for four years who, right at second or third game of the second game, would always go take a 20-minute dump. You could set your watch by it. I think he skipped his bathroom appointment twice in four years. We'd have to skip him every time.




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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2009, 10:52:48 PM »

* Bowled with a guy who crossed himself somewhere around a dozen times before every shot. Dude.

You dont f*** with da jesus .
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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2009, 12:39:12 PM »
We have a 20-something guy, bowls 2-handed, always has the iPod with the miniphones (he has his running up inside the back of his shirt).  I have often thought about asking him what he's listening to.  I hope it's something like Pantera or Slayer, like maybe he thinks he's inside his own video game.  I doubt he's listening to a John Jowdy audiobook.  Luckily, he is a nice kid and a pretty good bowler.

Speaking of slow bowlers, a few years ago we had this strange dude, would stand on the approach perfectly still in a deep crouch and bent way over, for no less than 20 seconds.  We called him the "downhill skier".  I would have cramped up.  Then all of a sudden he would run up to the line and fire his house ball dead straight.  He averaged under 160.  One night the skier throws the first 10 (on the nose, light Jersey, you name it).  Everyone in the building was abuzz just waiting for it.  Of course, it came in the 11th when (after standing there for about 45 seconds) he threw a five count, which probably should have been a three...



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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2009, 03:39:35 PM »
Bowled in a mixed league once that had an older couple bowling. The lady would finish at the foul line, stand straight up with her hand still in the follow through position and waving at the pins by only moving her hand, and freeze like that until the ball cleared the pin deck.

 Did it every shot that I ever saw her make.

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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2009, 03:50:32 PM »
Bowled in a mixed league once that had an older couple bowling. The lady would finish at the foul line, stand straight up with her hand still in the follow through position and waving at the pins by only moving her hand, and freeze like that until the ball cleared the pin deck.

 Did it every shot that I ever saw her make.

Good transactions list in my profile

"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein

i believe EVERY house has this bowler... its even better when they walk them about a lane everytime lol


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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2009, 03:51:18 PM »
Bowled in a mixed league once that had an older couple bowling. The lady would finish at the foul line, stand straight up with her hand still in the follow through position and waving at the pins by only moving her hand, and freeze like that until the ball cleared the pin deck.

 Did it every shot that I ever saw her make.

She must have moved there from Oregon because I saw the same thing ages ago when I did scorekeeping (yes, with the yellow pencil and everything) for women's state tournament.


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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2009, 04:02:24 PM »
Bowled in a mixed league once that had an older couple bowling. The lady would finish at the foul line, stand straight up with her hand still in the follow through position and waving at the pins by only moving her hand, and freeze like that until the ball cleared the pin deck.

 Did it every shot that I ever saw her make.

She must have moved there from Oregon because I saw the same thing ages ago when I did scorekeeping (yes, with the yellow pencil and everything) for women's state tournament.

That woman must be everywhere.  The Florida version dyes her hair bright red, like a yarn color, and leans over and watches the ball go down the lane sideways until the sweep comes down.
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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2009, 04:13:20 PM »
I got one for ya we have a womens league that bowls next to a couple of the teams in my league. When one of them gets a srike they all belly bump. know i would find this hot if they are attractive but they all have to be over 50 and two of them are big. I always wonder though if thay all have there real teeth still im waitng for one of them to spit them out when they do there bump. Is that wrong


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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2009, 05:48:16 PM »
Bowled in a league last year where everyone was supposed to be having a good time the other were yelling and having fun. When the team I bowled yelled and got loud like the other teams no one liked it.

Bowled in a tourney tour once...Wolf River Non Pro's you had to bowl in one of the hosting houses to be allowed into the tourney's. Thus their wasn't much for bowlers I suggested that they open it up to all bowlers to get more money and participation cause everyone was complaining about their not being enough money but then everyone was like ''No were the only ones that shoudl be bowling''

**Side note** I bowled in this tourney system last season and the figured out I wasn't bowling in any of the host houses and throw me out, however three other guys that werent in any of the houses were allowed to continue.

In the league mentioned in the first paragraph I was aked to not throw so hard cause the old guys were complaining that they couldn't see how fast they were throwing the ball because I would end up throwing over the set speed level on the system. They were Quibeca machines. Set for 25 MPH
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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2009, 11:56:47 AM »
Bowled in a mixed league with a woman who tapped her heels together exactly 31 times before she started her approach.  Every time.  We didn't believe it at first, so we started counting.  Rest of the season, it was impossible to not count -- like watching a bad accident.  Can only figure that she was clicking her heels like Dorothy and wanted to go home.

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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2009, 12:28:51 PM »
Bowled in a mixed league with a woman who tapped her heels together exactly 31 times before she started her approach.  Every time.  We didn't believe it at first, so we started counting.  Rest of the season, it was impossible to not count -- like watching a bad accident.  Can only figure that she was clicking her heels like Dorothy and wanted to go home.

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I've watched people OCD themselves out of many sports doing stuff like that. I feel sorry for them more than anything.

Older guy on one of my first leagues had a very elaborate ritual he'd go through with the ball before throwing it, turning around once on the approach, whole bunch of stuff. And if he didn't strike, he'd blame himself for not getting the ritual right.

I've watched some of those shows on A&E ("Obsessed," some episodes of "Intervention") about people who imprison themselves mentally and all I can think is, "I hope that never happens to me."



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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2009, 01:14:39 PM »
The ex-president of our league (I am president now) used to have to have a two lane buffer on either side when he was on the approach.  I used to mess with him and make sure I intentionally stepped onto the approach when two lanes away and take some extra time just to make him wait.  I would never do it when bowling against them or when only one lane away.  After all I observe proper courtesy...but he only avg'd in the 180's, not like he was a pro or anything.

A guy that used to be on our team would never bowl when someone on the lane next had thrown a split...may be why he doesn't bowl with us anymore???

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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2009, 01:16:03 PM »


She must have moved there from Oregon because I saw the same thing ages ago when I did scorekeeping (yes, with the yellow pencil and everything) for women's state tournament.[/quote]

In our bowling alley, we still have to keep score. Yeah I know, crazy.


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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2009, 01:17:18 PM »
For the Washington Baltimore area I only have to mention one name.  Actually I wont mention the name just the initials RR III.  The human rain delay!!


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Re: Weird habits by league bowlers over the years...
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2009, 01:26:08 PM »
I'll second RR III.  I was bowling next to him a number of years ago in a tourney in York PA, and I asked a guy I was bowling with if he was memorizing the boards...