Add your own. Here's mine...
* Guy in his 30s who used to bowl with his music going. This was before iPod days so he had a garage door opener-size Walkman on his hip with the mini-phones. Wouldn't have been so bad except he refused to talk to anyone, about anything. He'd brush you off or actually tell you, "Go on, man" when tried to approach him. Our secretary tried to ask him where his weekly check was one night and the guy flat-out refused to have a conversation about it until after bowling was over. Last thing I knew about him was that he was scheduled to go to Nationals (this was back around 96). I wonder how that went over with then-ABC officials regarding the music. And he couldn't bowl a crap without it, either.
* Was bowling league once in Tuscaloosa, Ala., adjacent to a women's league. An older woman got up to bowl about the same time I did and I deferred to her. One of my teammates tells me, "Boy, you just screwed up." I found out why: The woman took between 25-40 seconds on the approach BEFORE EVERY SHOT. Stood there like a statue. And she averaged around 130.
* Another women's league had a team of four lesbian women who called themselves "The Ballbusters." Knew another all-lesbian team who called themselves the "Pinbusters" and who, after every single strike, would do the "Ghostbusters" thing: One of them would yell "Who you gonna call?" and the rest would answer with "PIN BUSTERS!". I'm not labeling here ... both teams were very upfront about being "out." The difference between the two was the "Ballbusters" were friendly and easy-going, mostly out to have a good time, whereas the "Pinbusters" were fairly hostile, I guess trying to prove a point. They did their "Who you gonna call?" thing one night adjacent to a pair of lanes where a guy was about to throw the first in the 10th for 10 in a row, and if he'd hit 300 it would have been the first 300 in that building in 12 years. They made a point to be louder that time. He had to step off the approach and ended up not striking.
* Bowled intramural scratch league in college with a guy who would have his girlfriend sit in the pit area so she could give him shoulder massages in between shots (when they weren't making out like junior-high-schoolers, that is). She had an annoying habit of eating and drinking while there, and this was a non-sanctioned league that didn't even have any officers, so no one could stop it.
* Bowled with a guy who crossed himself somewhere around a dozen times before every shot. Dude.
* And last but not least, had a teammate for four years who, right at second or third game of the second game, would always go take a 20-minute dump. You could set your watch by it. I think he skipped his bathroom appointment twice in four years. We'd have to skip him every time.