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Author Topic: Weird night...tough conditions in league...  (Read 741 times)


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Weird night...tough conditions in league...
« on: February 02, 2004, 06:23:25 PM »
Well, last night was my third league night since my "comeback".  The first two weeks, I was very suprised at all the high scores that were being shot...600s were a dime a dozen (though not for me) and even a couple of 700s.  Last night was different!  After the first game, there were only 3 games over 200 in the entire league (234 was high, then 209, and 200), only a handful over 200 in the second game, and not many more in the third game.  I doubt if there were more than 2 600s last comparison, the team we bowled last week had four guys over 600.  
Everyone seemed lost on the lanes...heard complaints of "too much" oil, not being able to get the ball to "comeback" to the pocket, and so on.  Personally, I didn't think there was much difference in the amount of oil on the lanes, it just seemed to be in different areas than normal (based on what I've seen the last two weeks).  I was having almost the opposite problem than most of the bowlers as my ball seemed to be hooking more than normal (typically play second arrow down and in but I have made some changes to my grip/release in the last week and get many more revs than I used to).  Granted, I did have a horrible second game (lowest league score in three weeks)...but that was "user error" not the lane conditions...however, I bowled above my average by 20+ pins in games 1 and 3 and finished with the highest series on our team (I have third highest average on team) and second highest series of the ten bowlers on our two lanes (all but one guy on the other team had a higher average than me).  It all seemed weird seeing such low scores by everyone else especially after witnessing all the 600s and 700s over the last two weeks.