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Author Topic: Weird Question  (Read 1381 times)


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Weird Question
« on: June 09, 2003, 09:31:38 AM »
Okay I had a good one asked to me the other night after bowling a decent 253 game.  I had finished bowling and one of the guys that was sitting watching asked me "why do you lay the ball down so early on the lay it down right past the fowl line"?  I almost didn't know how to answer and had to stop myself from laughing because the tone of voice he used made it seem like he thought it was a bad thing.(I'm sure he just doesn't know any better)  I have seen him bowl and his style pretty much looks like a full body heave so I didn't want to say anything that might offend him.  So I simply stated that's just my style of bowling and how I do it.  I guess that's what I get for bowling in a fun league.

Anyone else have any weird questions asked to them at the alley?




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Re: Weird Question
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2003, 12:39:47 AM »
Not questions really, just incredibly stupid misconceptions.  Working in a pro shop leaves you open to these kinds of things, and especially in the city I live in.  I live in Topeka, KS, and the owner of the shop and his brother both used to live in Lawrence.  Although the cities are about a half hour away from each other, Lawrence is totally different.  When they began running the shop, the owner would ask how on earth I could deal with these people when they came in.  I live here, I'm used to tolerating downright stupidity.  Like the guy that thinks he's hot stuff because he was told that "playing 1st arrow with low revs was hard to do."  Number one he has one hand in the air while he's nearly dragging the ball along the ground to the foul line, and he doesn't slide, he plants, almost falls and takes an extra couple steps off to the right to steady himself after his release.  He's absolutely terrible, but of course fluffers on a wall will score sometimes.
I know Kung Fu!

I am the one, the one that will bring balance.  All the pins shall be destroyed!


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Re: Weird Question
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2003, 09:58:21 AM »

Just a thought from me when I was reading what you wrote.  I understand your not wanting to offend him, but maybe he really was serious.  Maybe nobody has ever worked with him at all.  Maybe he is starting to catch the bug we all seem to have and he is desiring to take his game to a new level.  I think I would have answered him frankly and honestly and maybe thrown in there that you were not cutting down the way anybody else bowls.  Just stating the things you had been taught.  If I ever have anyone ask me anything at the lanes.  I try to give them the most honest and clear answer possible.  Someday they may have knowledge that I need on any subject and hopefully they will remember that I helped them out at one time and help me.

I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.


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Re: Weird Question
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2003, 10:24:37 AM »
I hear what you're saying card...I think it was probably a little because he caught me off guard that I didn't know what to tell him.  That and I have seen him and the team he bowls on a few times and they are pretty much the beer drinking obnoxious know the ones that are there to drink and also maybe do some bowling.  

I know that there are not any stupid questions and anyone that knows me will tell you that I am always willing to help out.  I am not the best bowler, but I do always try to have as much knowledge as possible about what I am doing and love being able to share it and help a fellow bowler out.


Edited on 6/10/2003 10:28 AM