I've been thinking quite a bit about the release lately as mine's been all kinds of funky. A'la 'Bones, I'll relate some of my thoughts to golf. In golf, the release is something I don't even think about. If my setup is correct based on the shot I'm facing, the release just happens. There's no forced maneuvering or trying to remember to do this or that. Of course this could be because I have 19 years worth of experiences to draw from. Now on to bowling....If you know the conditions call for a certain type of release, can you just set up in that fashion and let the ball come off the hand with no fiddling at the release point? In my mind I'm thinking this -- with my palm facing up, I set my fingers and thumb in the holes and rotate my hand until the index finger is pointing towards the pins. This sets my fingers at around 11:00 and my thumb at about 5:00 - a nice 45* angle. I'll cup my wrist a little and get into my finished setup. My main thought throughout the swing is to keep my wrist in the original starting position. Now, when I hit the release point, I let the ball come off my thumb releasing the ball onto the lane smoothly with the fingers imparting the rotation as they come out. I'm not thinking about coming around the ball a little or coming up the back -- is this making any sense? It seems it should work, but maybe I'm missing something...