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Author Topic: Not a sandbagger?  (Read 1259 times)


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Not a sandbagger?
« on: September 21, 2003, 08:47:56 AM »
I am about a 175-180 avg bowler.  I have just started a new league and am currently averaging 212 over nine games.  I know this will not hold up over a 36 week league, however right now I am on a streak.  I brought in a 175 average from last year and we used that for the first 3 weeks of the league.  Next Friday will be the first week for our true averages.  A lot of really good bowlers that I bowled with in the summer leagues are "sandbagging" in my opinion as they ended up with much higher averages at the end of summer than they will have at the beginning of our first true average week of bowling.  These 5 individuals in particular will actually be 20-30 pins below the average they had to use the first three weeks of the league.  Our league secretary took notice of what these 5 were doing and is really stirring the pot about it.  My question is this, just as I know that my average of 212 will not hold up for 36 weeks, it would stand to reason that these 5 guys will not be able to hold their averages down this far and be able to win is still early in the season and I am not sure it really matters at this point.........what does everyone else think?
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Edited on 9/21/2003 11:57 PM


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Not a sandbagger?
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2003, 01:28:40 AM »
Well, we use the same thing on my monday nite league because guys would sandbag the first week or two, then shoot 600's or 700's for the next couple weeks, to case in using thier handicap.  

So last yr was our first time using it too.  But this yr, i noticed alot of guys doing the same, sandbaggin the first couple of weeks, to get thier handicap way up.  

Anyways this team was the reason why we put this rule into action, because all of them are 190-215avg bowlers and they would intentionally shoot 150games the first week or two, so they would have handicap, and then out would come the 600's.  And they even did it this yr too, the first week of the yr, they didnt have a series over 550.  

But i also had a guy on my team for the past three yrs who would do the same, but i finally got rid of him THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!  lol  he was litterally a 240avg guy on any condition.  And he would barely avg 200.  And of course he was a lefty.  so it was a double whammy.  

And he would do this so he can go into Handicap tournaments with guys who have tons of handicap and do nothing but shoot 750 or 800.  And his name is Nick Rodriguez,,, he lives in the West Michigan area, and is a lefty.  

Now i know my average is going to be down, when my new average kicks in, in a week, unless i shoot about 700 tomorrow nite, but i have been running into total burn out in the third game where it doesnt matter what you do the ball just hooks early.

 So for the first two weeks my third games have been 134 and 164, lol. yet my first two games are like 220's or better.  But oh well, my other leagues i am all in the low 200's like normal.  I am not a high 200avg person and probably never will be.  I do have my streaks where i do nothing but shoot 670's or better for a few weeks, but i have had times where i had tough times shooting over 500 lol.  

But yes there are guys out there who will do anything to get that lil bit of edge, but, i hate sandbaggers.  But that is also why i dont bowl in anything but Scratch tournaments unless its our city tournament or State.
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

Game In a BoxLC

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Re: Not a sandbagger?
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2003, 12:21:25 PM »
remember many bowlers dont bowl at all in the summer, or if they do it isnt competitively, and when they come back they havent looked at a bowling ball in quite some time.
am i still considered a lefty, i never get to play the left side of the lane

Saw Mill

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Re: Not a sandbagger?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2003, 12:23:41 PM »
I think every league should use the book average for the next year.  We book an average for a reason, not just for tournies.  The sad thing about this sport, is that there will not be a fool-proof way of catching SBs.  I believe that if a Sandbagger is identified and proven guilty, they should be banned for a year, for 1st time offense, and 3 years for the second, and if caught again, then banned indefinitely.  In all cases, a letter requesting re-instatement must be submitted before bowling again, and a re-instatement fee, just like for driver's licenses.  Sandbaggers are a cancer, and we all know that there is no good thing about cancer.

If You Are Not Using a BuzzSaw, All You Get is SAW-dusted!!