Let''''s talk about the biggest problems you face during leagues at the houses you bowl at.
One:The oil pattern,key factor in choosing were to play the lane and what ball to use.Two :The actual lane surface is another factor in how to play the lanes.The topography of the lane can have it''''s
depressions and crowned areas.Some of the lanes in the house will always get more play than others.
Three:The style of the bowlers,and the equipment they use will change how you will eventually
play the lanes.Four:The temperature and humidity in the center,and the lane temperature.Also the
outside temperature is another factor in this equation.The weather can also affect the pins,
cool and dry air will transfer more energy motion which leads to better pin fall.
Just some of my thoughts at this time.Which obstacles do you face that are larger than the
others at your center and league.
Thanks to everyone of you that has taken the time so far to respond.This topic has many different
answers.I really don''t have time to respond myself.At this time ,work, family,bowling,
and a bowling tournament this weekend is taking up a lot of my time.But thank you!!
Edited on 3/26/2010 4:22 PM
Edited on 3/26/2010 4:29 PM