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Author Topic: What a fascinating Game!  (Read 1293 times)


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What a fascinating Game!
« on: August 27, 2003, 05:48:45 PM »
Went yesterday to an upcoming league site to see what balls I will be using in league starting next week.

This is a well known high scoring house that is known to be favorable to lefties!  Thought I'd give it a whirl.

To be continued!  Postus Interuptus!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: What a fascinating Game!
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2003, 02:23:54 PM »

I knew there would be someone in there Maytag'n this up until I could get bacs!

Interesting, I just finished up in my home house league the highest lefty was 18 pins behind the high righty and this outstanding lefty was 15 pins ahead of the rest of the lefties.  If we take him out, three righties over 230.  2nd highest lefty average 208.  Is that a lefty house?  PS all the lefties in the top 3 behind our superstar at 220 have won numerous tournaments in the area.

Frequently I bowled with righties with half my hand covering 3 times as many boards as me.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: What a fascinating Game!
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2003, 02:40:27 PM »
Never thought I'd find myself defending a lefty, but here we go...

Over the past few years, the centers in this area have begun to use flatter patterns for their house shots (3:1 or 4:1 or so).  This means that there is some OB on both sides when the lanes are fresh, and thus the scores are usually rather subdued until the track starts to burn.  Of course, this happens a lot faster on the right than on the left, so by the time second shift rolls around, the righties can get far enough inside to where the OB doesn't come into play, but the left is still tight.  And with the equipment that is available today, the righties can continue to move further and further left without having to worry about recovery.  As such, I'd have to say that these centers are not particularly favorable to least when it comes to the short format of a league session.  Things might be different in a long-format tournament, though.


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Re: What a fascinating Game!
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2003, 03:43:03 PM »

It was a very happy group of righties!
Never in years had a seen such smiling from such a large group of bowlers.

But the machine seems to be fixed now and backend is similar on both sides.  I'm beatin up em now!

Anyway I went up yesterday to the "so called easy house".

Much different shot.  Lots of backend and lots of carry both sides.
In general a little wet.

Now back to the original intent of this post!

A fellow lefty is famous for really tearing this place up!  (He also wins quite a bit all over the place and in general doesn't look great).  This high average veteran, sort of throws it pretty slow with pretty good revs and seems to generate a ton of backend.

In talking to him about the shot he said it's pretty favorable for a lot of different balls and approaches, he proceeds he's got a real nice blended condition.  So I find in general that my favorite stuff for my home house doesn't really work that great.  What seems to work for me in general is a stronger set of stuff.  

It is really quite easy to carry at this house but also quite easy to miss the pocket light or barely nip the head pin.

In watching the other lefties as they practice and I note that most are playing straight up from about the 5 or 8 board area. All are using strong stuff and carrying if they can hit the pocket.

Our superstar(anywhere from 228 to 243) is playing the lane decidedly differently.  He is standing about 24 and throwing anywhere from about 11 to 14 and hitting anywhere from about 5 to 11 and striking.  Deeper shots at the arrows over 14 and to 11, wider shots 11-12 at the arrows out almost to 6.
This man has and CREATES area on the lanes.

As I stated before he is very good and seems to just feed or float the ball to the breakpoint.  (Maybe speed 13 to 13.5 at the pin deck).

What I also noticed is that he is using a Cure from Dynothane, particle solid with a lot of flare potential. Even more interesting to me is that where others with a lot of hand and speed are throwing a lot of shots that just don't seem to want to really catch a lot of the pocket.  His shots on the other hand seem to really turn and continue to get good and flush and move up high in to the pocket.

I then see a bunch of other people with Cures that I speak to most and they say oh yeah.  I saw him throwing this and it looked good so I got one.
One significant thing though.  His ball is drilled with the Pin up about 1 1/2 to 2 inches and a little outside his ring finger.

All of theirs have the pin down even with their ring finger.  The backend he is then able to generate along with his truly great touch seems to just give him a ton of boards of area and backend.

To me it was interesting that nobody else had his drilling or his carry!

Now I throw similar but with probably a touch more speed and maybe not this superstars touch.

I have Cure, I'm going to drill it just like his!

I'll report back if I was able to generate more area like his?

Current arsenal balls allow me to maybe swing 11 or 12 to 8.  Most of my stuff forces me to straight up 8!

To our gurus does pin up like this really create this much larger amount of area on blended oil conditions??


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana