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Author Topic: What a year so far  (Read 1470 times)


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What a year so far
« on: February 28, 2016, 09:08:07 PM »
Some of you may remember me from years ago. I bowled a majority of my life and for the past 5-8 years I did not bowl, been working with my kids on the sport. I was asked many times over the summer and just ignored it. I finally gave in and agreed to bowl. I have kept my average over 220 for the year, for the majority I am bowling every other week even though I have bowled a good amount of the time. I finally decided to get a new ball a few weeks ago, so not only a new ball but a new driller as well. I am upgrading from a Smokin Inferno and a Rampage also carried an Inferno that I never used. I picked up a Venom Shock, pretty impressed so far with it. This weekend I got to experience something new again. I got to bowl on the USBC White #2 for the first time. Team I struggled really really bad and just could never get lined up, shot 505. Singles we all attacked the lane a little different and I shot 571, nice improvement from team. Doubles I made a ball change back to my Smokin Inferno and shot 677, nice change there. I went into the year not knowing what to expect and I must say I am having a lot of fun. Hope to finish the year off strong. The next investment I need to make is into a new pair of shoes unless I can get the slide foot fixed on my pair.