I was sitting here watching the race and ordering some bowling stuff off the net. I ordered the Hook again system from ebonite and it got me thinking (no cracks from the peanut gallery I do it every once in a while). What addicts you to this game? I mean during the nice weather up here I play golf all the time, but I am not addicted. I am using the same set of clubs I got as a graduation present from high school. Yeah they are old. there are tons of things I do, but what makes not only me, but all of us like this.
For my part of it I think in some way it lets me relive being young again. Is bowling some huge athletic sport no. As bad as my knees are though when I go play softball our basketball or whatever I am a step slower and while I can really compete I get very frustrated because I feel I should be able to do better.
Bowling is new for me. It is something I always saw as a kid cause my parents did it, but never did. I picked up and I keep seeing myself getting better.
So, what does it for you?
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.