Every time I see posts talking about making the shot tougher, taking down the "wall", and putting "credibility" back in the game, someone always posts a response along the lines of "I don't pay my $20 a week to shoot 170's and feel bad about my game".
Well, pardon me, but what exactly is the bowling alley selling? If you pay only $1.50 a game, should you get a lower score? And if you pay $10 a game, should you be guaranteed 279+ every time? Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I thought the bowling alley just rented you a lane to throw your ball on, a few pins to try knocking down, and a machine that will reset the pins and send your ball back to you (and now, scoring machines that will add your score for you). Isn't it YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to practice and LEARN how to score well! Pay your money and bowl on whatever condition you are given. If you still can't beat the next guy who is bowling on the same condition, then YOU NEED TO PRACTICE SOME MORE! The bowling alley DOES NOT OWE YOU ANY SCORE!
Sorry for the rant, but isn't it rediculous to think bowling alleys OWE us good scores? Is there no pride left in practicing and achieving good scores on a multitude of conditions?
"Fastest Chicken in the South!"