I wanted to add to this thread that there's nothing wrong with "working on strikes". A game that I often play with a practice partner is "Strikes". Usually, a friendly wager is on, but we will pick a number, usually 20, and the first player to 20 strikes wins. The caveat is, you have to win by 2 and if any pins are left on the deck, and or gutter, that strike does not count. All ten have to be back, in the pit and non-visible. There's going to be times where you have to throw the back 6 or 7 for the cash and these confidence builder drills have helped me a lot, especially in those times where you're in brackets or side pots on the china and you have a 9/ early. 270+ is making all the money and there's going to be a handful of guys that have front-9 potential in them every game. You're going to have to strike for the dough eventually, and for me these drills help...especially when in a slump.
This places a premium on shot repetition and having the proper match up with ball/surface to get the proper angle through the pocket to "strike" in this game. Usually when I practice, I pay for 6-8 games and do not keep score. This allows you to block off parts of your practice session and by eliminating score as a variable, you truly get to work on specific needs.