General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: BigBZ on June 01, 2004, 04:02:49 AM
I know that different drillings ect. make a big difference in performance, but what ball have you tried that was the flatout biggest disappointing dud? Just curious
I would have to say the Truama Response, the ball was superb on super heavily oiled lanes, which I rarely encounter around my state.
Still have the ball in my closest for sometime down the future maybe.
Im just trying to be nice around here.
dynothane anomoly i feel it was false marketing muck weaker ball than v2 strong,addiction or raging inferno on same oil patterns. Even wrote Phil for help and never got a good answer from him on anything that would help.
The Buzzsaw Blueberry, Buzzsaw Golden Nugget, and the original Inferno. These two particular Buzzsaws won't move and the Inferno had too much over and under.
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
I remember disliking those later Trauma balls. I loved the original and the Shock but the Recovery and Response were not good to say the least. I hated the way my Matrix Dominator died and I remember going through a few Sea Wolf balls before giving up on it...just a few off the top.
Dry Heat.
This was a poorly named ball. It was good for mediums.
Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?
It's a tie between the blue/oyster wicked and the voodoo. Couldn't get either one of them to do squat.
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!
Come Eddie, not every ball that Ebonite put out stunk.. How many did you try?
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
Train Wreck,
I can't comment on the Savage Flip, but the Killer Instinct pearl is not a bad ball. There are several guys using that in my Monday league and they bowled very well with it and it seemed to finish very well from what I saw.
I have to disagree with you on this one.
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
TEAL Buzzsaw
TOO many IDIOTS, so LITTLE time.
I guess it just depends on how its drilled and the bowler, you are right..
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
Ebonite TPS Matrix,tornado. Not much action out of either ball.
We all can hit the pocket,just carry the damn corners
hands down the storm trauma response. i am glad i didn't give up on storm though as i tried a cheaper ball by them (hot wire) and i love it to death. very few conditions i encounter can i not make it do what i want.
The one that said Ebonite on it. 
I agree 
Most of those are old time stuff.. I have tried 5 or 6 of the newer ones (out within the last 6 months) and have liked all of them except for one. I know they went thru a time a year or so ago that everything they put out was junk..
I was mostly talking about newer stuff, sorry.. Should have been more clear when I ask you which (newer) Ebonite balls have you tried..
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
Hammer 3-D Striking Red Offset Super Hook (I always called it either Super Hookless or the 3-DUD)

Second place: Columbia Chaos. Blech 
White Dot 
Making life miserable for 10 pins everywhere
I know, you like the old school stuff.
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
I wouldn't say that I have tried a ball that was truely horrible. The flash point and I did not work together, but that does notmean it is necessarily a bad ball, just too snappy.
My true answer, none.
Edited on 6/11/2004 11:07 PM
Going back a few years the Track Silencer. I think it was just in the way it was drilled. Even farther back then that the Chump I mean the Champ. Could not get either ball to do anything. If you want even further back the Pacific Storm just flat out sucked for me.
nothing fancy or catchy to say in my signature
Well, if you're looking for one all out disappointing dud, it would be the Ebonite TPC Warrior, but other additions include the Ebonite V2 Sanded and the Storm Shock Trauma
Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."
For me it would probably have to be the Track Flare....bought it because I absolutely LOVED the NRg...the Flare and I just never hit it off...
after that probably the Golden Nugget..not so much cause the ball was a dud or anything, but that's when I found out I don't exactly match up well with particle pearls...
The Dark Jedi Code
There is no peace, there is anger.
There is no fear, there is power.
There is no death, there is immortality.
There is no weakness, there is the Dark Side.
Silver Streak and Silver Streak Pearl. Some people swear by these but I couldn't get a consistant read or reaction from house to house, shot to shot. not to mention neither one of them finished worth anything., Both hit like they were too lazy to continue through the deck.
-DJ Marshall
Teal Rhino Pro for life
Syntactive Sledge Hammer. I can buy 100 more balls and no other can come close to its poor performance.
got revs? (http://"")
Almost everyone that owns an EMERALD GREEN BUZZSAW thinks they are FANTASTIC BALLS. I can't get a good game out of mine. Rarely use it anymore. (NO, I DON'T WANT TO SELL/TRADE IT)
Hit them light and watch them fight
J O E - F A L C O
I have only been disappointed with 3 balls.....well disappointed because I could not get them to work at all.
In order I had them:
Brunswick Combat Zone
Dyno Thane Anomaly
Brunswick Ultimate Inferno
The Combat Zone just did not carry well for me at all. NOW, this was when I really had no bowling knowledge at all.
Anomaly- It just did not hook like Dyno Thane advertised, atleast not for me. I had to have clean backends to get good movement or hit out of this ball.
Ultimate Inferno-Pretty much the same as the Anomaly. It did not hook like people were saying, but it did have good HIT to it. BUT it was a medium oil ball at best in my opinion.
HONORABLE MENTION: Storm La Nina, Ebonite Apex Addiction, C300 Extreme Chaos, (overseas) Trauma XR
C-G Pro Shop
The Track Heat 2 Pearl.
Vicious Attack, didn't like it from the word go. The sledge hammer was a close second. I have been considering a do-over with that one though.
If you're an idiot, you can join my ignore list
Columbia Orange Dot....for those who can remember it.
Turbo Diesel and Viscious Particle. I could have used them both as spare balls.
"Why cant I just throw the ball the same way EVERY TIME??
Track Thrash was absolute trash. That ball was a real stinker. The ball flat out didn't hook.
"Did you eat my General Tso chicken?"- Me
Track EMB
Apex Intensity can't be beat for it's unparalleled crappiness. That's a heck of a combination there, looks like crap, and reacts like it too.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes, and check your own spelling
The Killer Instinct Sanded was a dud for me, it would just slide down the lane until the end and then boom, wash out!! Tried to change coverstock and it just didn't do anything for me.
Vortex II. Had two of them, neither lasted long in the starting lineup. Odd, because the V2 Pearl is one of my all-time favorites; the V2 Clean is my go-to ball right now; and I loved the Nitro R^2 pearl.
No doubt - my Storm Trauma Response.
Granted, I had the ball drilled to rev early (to help combat my above average speed), but I still expected it to actually hook and arc on oily lanes. Instead it would just rev up and then make a VERY lazy move towards the pocket (or not at all, sometimes), leaving plenty of buckets and the embarrasing 5-pin. And again, to clarify, this was on oily lanes. I knew better than to throw it on conditions that it wasn't made for.
Anyway, I did manage to find a good shot for this ball -- down and in. It works extremely well for that type of shot. Problem is that I'm not a down-and-in bowler and I only occasionally find a condition suitable for that shot, so the ball has limited value to me.
I never really cared for my violet Brunswick Rhino Pro either. Way too over-under for me. I never liked my urethane Ebonite Turbo either, nor my Ultra Angle (more like Ultra no-Angle!), or my Ebonite Hook Shot (more like "Doesn't Hook Shot").
Maybe I should get the Trauma redrilled with a different layout, although judging from the number of postings for this ball, it may not make a difference. I would've put my Columbia Flipside Wow on this list also ("Doesn't Flip-side Wow"), but then I changed the layout and it works pretty good now.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!
i am surprised that no one has brought up the WEREWOLF or the VECTOR series from columbia.
I had the Vector 2 and it was terrible for me, but I later found out that the shell on my ball was slightly warped. So the pro shop guy got me a replacement Vector 2 from Columbia and this second ball became one of my best rolling balls ever (if not the best even now).
It helped that he drilled the second ball axis weight (a very good layout for me), but this ball was soooooooo smooth-rolling for me.
It's the only urethane ball I still have, and I've had it now for about 12-13 years.
P.S. I didn't like my Thunderbolt either. That's the ball I threw the only time I ever left the sour apple. Ugh! I wanted to crawl under the ball rack when I left that split!
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!! 
Edited on 6/2/2004 5:32 PM
Columbia Orange Dot....for those who can remember it.
That ball was over-under back in the 80's!
Kill the back row
Savage Flip was horrible for me. Couldn't get it to read on any conditions. Just point and squirt. Tried I dunno how many drillings and surface changes.
Eventually sold it back.
Power Groove Reactive
Despite several shell modifications, two very different layouts, and testing on various different oil patterns, the ball had a wicked sharp hook at 30 feet and was rolled out by 35 feet.
Maybe I just got a lemon.
Kill the back row
Edited on 6/2/2004 5:41 PM
The Savage solid. First game, ball was unbelieveable! After that, it sucked!

I know, it's me and/or the drilling, but I tried all sorts of different surface preps, and I could never get a consistent reaction out of it.
Honestly, I'm not good enough to say that a particular ball was bad. Every ball I've owned was a better ball than I am a bowler. 
Cogito ergo bowl