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Author Topic: Ambidextrous?  (Read 782 times)


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« on: July 19, 2009, 02:00:43 AM »
Who out there bowls with both?  I'm going to bowl a full year lefty this year, and I'm really looking forward to it, especially because I think I'll still be competitive.  Used to work in a pro shop, and the lease with the center gave the shop employees free bowling.  I'd go out and bowl until I couldn't feel my right arm, and then horse around lefty for the fun of it.  Found out I was halfway decent, so when I started having problems righty, either with injuries or mechanics or confidence, I'd practice lefty to give myself a break.  Then last summer, I was having such a rough run that I switched in league after a couple weeks.  Averaged 190 until I figured out how to pick up the 7 pin, then went up to 196 the last couple weeks.  Started righthanded in winter league, and with 7 weeks left, I decided to switch cause I was having shoulder issues (dislocated it a while back, never been the same) and averaged 205 for those weeks after starting cold.  

Who else bowls with both in league?  I actually throw it quite a bit better lefthanded, my mechanics are much better, and I'm even more accurate.  Don't quite have the power yet, but I'm just a few revs and mph slow of being a tweener.  Sad thing is I wish I could duplicate my lefty swing righthanded, I'd give up some power for the accuracy and mechanics.  And a question here, could I bowl one league lefthanded and another righthanded during the same year?  And why can't you bowl both in one league without having a league meeting every time you want to switch?  Switching hands is like having a sub bowl, they let that happen, but don't let one person switch hands?  Gotta have an average with both hands anyway.  And with as many people that sandbag, why can't we bowl with both hands in the same set?  I'd use it to bump my average up.  If I could bowl righthanded until that side got trashed then switch to a fresh left side . .  Don't see why they don't allow that.  It's like they think that's an easier way to sandbag . .  Anyway, I was just curious.
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