Most of the leagues I"ve been in give a nominal amount for high average (male and female). But some have not. And I think its because if you have high average, you probably will have either high scratch game or high scratch series. So then you'd get a double pay out. Which isn't in itself bad, but in today's society of everyone gets a piece of the pie, double payouts are discouraged. The amount is generally so small that it doesn't matter to me.
As for stopping sandbagging, no amount given in a league for high average could counter the hundreds of dollars a sandbagged average makes in a month. Why hold out for a year bowling your best for $50 when you can bowl 2 to 3 tournaments a month (18 - 27 a bowling season) with a sandbagged one? Most of our sandbaggers hit all the handicap tournaments then can and hope to make $200 - $600 each tournament with prize money and brackets.