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Author Topic: What can I do to stop pinching the ball?  (Read 1326 times)


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What can I do to stop pinching the ball?
« on: August 13, 2010, 01:31:29 AM »
Lately I have been tearing up my thumb from my pinching the ball when I am about to release it.  What is causing me to do this?  Also what can be done to fix it?  I already had my span shortened and that felt great.  I dont really want to get it fixed there something out there that can help?
"The only place I get hurt is out there" - Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler")

"I love Caroline Dorin-Ballard.  I will plug CDB any chance I get." - Rob Stone. LOL. You make it too easy for us to pick on you Rob!