I hear the term "If it aint broke, dont fix it" , but if it may not be broken, but you want to get an even better ball reaction can your ball driller help ?
When I was at the USBC Tourny back in June, one of the drillers there suggested that I change my pitches to help me get some more rotation.. I would even be willing to have an old ball plugged and redrilled to test this out...
My driller kind of shakes his head and doesn't think this would help.. I had a little coaching and some suggestions were made which helped mostly with my timing/approach, but I wondering why my driller is resistant to any experimentation..
I am NOT slamming my driller, he fits me like a glove, I am just wondering if it is a bad idea to have another driller drill something up or can that cause wrist issues that I definately don't need...