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Author Topic: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?  (Read 1249 times)


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What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« on: June 13, 2004, 05:09:16 AM »
I used to bowl about 4-5 times a week and it was enjoyable, a time where I could relax with buddies while doing my thing.  Now all of a sudden, I had been overworked by school and just couldn't find the time to go throw a ball.  It was 8 weeks before I could find some time or get up to go throw my equipment which had dust all over them from laying around cause I have too many.  When I went bowling, I still didn't have that desire that I once had, it was like I had never put my had in the ball before.  My timing, stance, position, and my aiming methods were all way off and I couldn't get back on track after 4 games so I said screw it I'm going home.  Inside I still want to bowl because It's something that i can do well and enjoy and it's also a place where there aren't morons putting you down and that bowling alley is like my family cause I know everyone there and they know me.  Is there anything that I can do or tips that I can follow to help make me gain that motivation that I once had?



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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2004, 08:16:53 PM »
Is there anything that I can do or tips that I can follow to help make me gain that motivation that I once had?

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I can hit 10 pins!!!  But I usually forget the rest of the rack


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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2004, 08:35:45 PM »

This is a job for Saw Mill or Bones ta figure out,but
here's a start.

1)Try learning to bowl with your opposite hand,this works a lot
for me.Also if you already both with either hand,take some time ya got
and improve the skills.This works for me BIG TIME!!!!!

2)Give free lessons,wheter it be family or friends or a random stranger.

3)Just hangout and watch somebody ya know bowl to give him/her
tips on what you know.

4)As a last resort,play pool or go in the arcade.

5)I'm sure a thread will follow with more suggestions.

6)You'll get it back.Good Luck!!

Thats all 4 now.



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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2004, 09:29:31 PM »
Bowlerstyle, I know exactly how you feel as I am sitting in the same chair as you are right now. In fact I sat here this afternoon asking my self if I even want to bowl this winter once the summer leagues are over. I keep thinking that if I am not enjoying it, why am I doing it? I spend a lot of money bowling and on bowling equipment. I bought 5 balls last year from Doug Sterner and 2 at my local Pro Shop, plus a new Storm 4-Ball roller Bag. That didn't come cheap plus the expense of 2 leagues and 1 day of practice each week, of which didn't seem to help, so I think that "gee," that money could be better spent elsewhere.

Like you, my timing, swing, stance, position, aiming methods, and etc. are way off and I too can't get back on track again. In fact my mechanics have become as bad as an old junk car that won't run again. Been this way for several months. The only thing keeping me from quitting right now is that I am afraid if I do this that later I will wish I hadn't and it will be too late to rejoin and bowl with my old teamates and friends as I will have been replaced......So, I am at a crossroads where I have to make a decision soon.
Retired and bowling on Fixed Income
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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2004, 11:32:54 PM »

  I was in the same kinda boat your in, except that it was 8 years before I picked my ball up again.  At first I was relly frusterated with myself.  SInce my last avg for league was 204.  I when I started up in summer league a few weeks ago I was having the same promblems. (still do sorta') I mean it was four weeks before I finally started to get the basic fundamentals down. ( and my scores back)  All I can suggest is that you sit down and think mentally on your fundamentals starting with pre-shot routine and work your way up to release.  It might take a few nights of practice untill you start getting your old scores back.  You just gotta be patient and not get frusterated, and before you know it you'll get the desire back. I did anyways, and when I have an off night in league I just make note of my mistakes and work on em' on my practice days.
"To bowl or not to bowl that is the question"


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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2004, 02:10:53 AM »
Pursuing other hobbies will keep your mind going, and then when you get the urge to bowl again you will. When I met my girlfriend my bowling was down to subbing in a league once every 5 or 6 weeks, then after we got married I decided I wanted to go back full force into leagues and tournaments. I now have an appreciation for the sport much like my college days.



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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2004, 04:10:13 AM »
A buddy of mine always says to me, "Take two weeks off, then quit....!".

There are very few bowlers who ever go thru life on an equal keel of love for the game.  Or golfers either.

If you ever use the word "Have to" you are done.  One does so much better when they "want to".

I have used a technique of never practicing as much as I really want to.  Never going as much as I really want to.  And never signing up for too many long leagues.  This keeps me hungry for the game I love!



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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2004, 05:44:14 AM »

  Sounds to me like you have too many irons in the fire at the same time.  Bowling is also a game that I love, but sometimes life demands that we do other things.

  Bowling is great fun, but it is still just a game we play in an attempt to enjoy our lives.  Bowling should be a part of you life, not the whole thing.

  It is normal to lose desire sometimes, even for the things we love to do, but don't worry, if you really love it the desire will be back.  The only problem is you will be a bit rusty for a while when you come back, but that is o.k. too.  Remember, bowling shouldn't be your life unless you are a pro, but it can be a part of your life, and an enjoyable part indeed.

  Some of the suggestions in here are good.  Take up another game (golf, pool. etc...), find a hobby, or just take a vacation from bowling and enjoy the other aspects of life for the summer, it will be o.k. and when you come back to bowling, you will either find that you have missed it, or that you haven't.

  Good luck,
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Re: What can you do when your bowling desire is gone?
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2004, 12:53:09 PM »
I used to bowl about 4-5 times a week and it was enjoyable, a time where I could relax with buddies while doing my thing

Maybe it it the companionship of your buddies that you truly desire, and bowling is a place where you can all get together and relax.  Without your buds there, maybe the game doesn't mean as much to you?  I dunno, just guessing...

Anyway, I bowled 3 nights a week last year and got really burned out on the game.  Last 8 weeks I just plain didn't care.  Still wound up with a 193 avg in all 3, but it dropped 5 pins over those last 8 weeks.  Back to the point... I decided not to bowl at all this summer.  So far, I feel at times that I'd like to go bowling again, but it's not strong enough to get me out the door yet.  Should be a few more weeks and I'll be ready to go.  Also, I dropped 2 leagues, so hopefully I won't get as burned out.  If I want to bowl more during the winter, I'll either open play more, or join one of those 12 week leagues.  Just some ideas.  Good luck!


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I wonder where they went? ;)