Sounds to me like you have too many irons in the fire at the same time. Bowling is also a game that I love, but sometimes life demands that we do other things.
Bowling is great fun, but it is still just a game we play in an attempt to enjoy our lives. Bowling should be a part of you life, not the whole thing.
It is normal to lose desire sometimes, even for the things we love to do, but don't worry, if you really love it the desire will be back. The only problem is you will be a bit rusty for a while when you come back, but that is o.k. too. Remember, bowling shouldn't be your life unless you are a pro, but it can be a part of your life, and an enjoyable part indeed.
Some of the suggestions in here are good. Take up another game (golf, pool. etc...), find a hobby, or just take a vacation from bowling and enjoy the other aspects of life for the summer, it will be o.k. and when you come back to bowling, you will either find that you have missed it, or that you haven't.
Good luck,
Just call me Darreyl, it's much easier to say!