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Author Topic: What decides ability,the amount of balls you have or the abiltily to adjust to shots  (Read 3329 times)


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I have used the same balls for the last 5 years and scored great, and seem's all these bowlers bring all these new balls or 6 ball arsenals and try to figure out why they are not scoring well. So my question is, does a good bowler really need more than 2 balls.


Spider Ball Bowler

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Not for leagues, but tournaments...yes.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

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It's always the bowler and his ability to be versatile. Having said that, some balls are just going to match up better than others on certain conditions and certain bowler types. On house shots the line is very blurry since they're so easy.

The great bowler with a bad reaction is going to need to get lucky against bowler #2 who still has some talent, but might have the right arrow in his quiver on any given day.

Talent first, but the ability to read ball reaction and adjust (if necessary) to a different ball to enhance carry would be important, but still secondary.

Most bowlers switch balls WAY TOO OFTEN, as if there's a magic pill that will overcome execution.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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i have to admit that i have more than 5 balls in the locker, whats going to hit the lanes and be able to score is based on experience and decision making.

for myself, bowling monday night and sunday morning is 2 different things. monday night has carrydown and may be very dry due to open play. sunday morning has fresh oil and may have some oil down the lane (they dont strip)

so, throw couple of shots and make decision and go for the best.

i do throw new ball/s, cuz i need the entry angle and backend. i do throw old balls, cuz i need the smoothness.

i believe, throwing new or old or having lots of balls is not a factor. the main factor comes down to 1 question, can u carry?

When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.


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execution and carry is the biggest issue not the number of balls.. I'm struggling carrying right now at a couple houses. i'll leave 3 or 4 stone 9's in a game.. Then make a move a leave a 10.. So carry is the biggest thing


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I would think the ability to look at your ball reaction and determine if the ball you are throwing matches up properly to the condition, and what to change to or what to adjust in order to strike would be a part of the bowler's overall talent.


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On a house shot, I could probably throw one ball and spare.  I change my "strike" ball on the house shot just for the sake of using different equipment.  My average doesn't fluctuate much either way.  

Now, on sport conditions, I use a variety of equipment.
• Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
• Women somehow deteriorate during the night.


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I would think the ability to look at your ball reaction and determine if the ball you are throwing matches up properly to the condition, and what to change to or what to adjust in order to strike would be a part of the bowler's overall talent.

Second that. Knowing your equipment, what it does and how to use it is IMHO part of today's game.

Besides, using just one or 2 balls is IMHO not a sign of talent. I see in my official leagues lots of bowlers with (sorry) gruesome releases, spinning the ball with no hope for a back end reaction. They can use heavy oil balls on 30' of oil. You could hand them any ball, and it would still react the same... Must of them are good spare shooters, though, so they keep up a high average. But IMO, this has nothing to do with bowling talent, rather ignorance.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 11/10/2008 4:01 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

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Most bowlers switch balls WAY TOO OFTEN, as if there's a magic pill that will overcome execution.


you say that like changing balls changes your ability to execute properly. just because you're executing properly doesn't mean you're using the right ball to carry.


I'm not sure that I understand fully what you're saying CrownedPrince.
But here's an example:

"Joe Bowler" is frustrated that he can't carry, so he automatically assumes it's the ball, and he switches. This repeats itself until he's run out of bowling balls and leaves angry at the crappy lanes. (Remember that "Joe Bowler" buys the same skid/snap ball each time, and has them drilled the same, too.)

Most of us should learn to play a few different areas of the lane, change hand positions, ball speeds, or rev rate and quit blaming the ball. Sure there are some balls that are specifically designed to do certain things, i.e. play closer to friction, or stay in heavier oil, etc., but a versatile bowler can do some great things by keeping an open mind to the situation.

Learning to differentiate bad execution from bad reaction is important to all of us.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Dan Belcher

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I heard something that truly surprised me last night.  We bowled against a team that normally bowls very well against us, and most of them struggled at least one game last night, if not more.  Their anchor bowler struggled all night with carry, he kept leaving ringing 7 pins and high 6 pins (he's a lefty).  After we got done, he said he was getting kind of frustrated since his carry's been terrible the past month or so.  He said his wife told him to buy another ball, but he declined and said "it's not the ball, it's me.  I'm just not throwing it right!"  I suggested taking a week off from bowling and coming back fresh to see if that'd help.  Otherwise, I suggested staying behind it more and moving further outside to see if that'd help.  But I was truly surprised to actually hear a bowler in league blame himself and not the ball for a change!!  


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A wise man!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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60% skill
40% equipment

that what sucks about bowling these days
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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I think it's a bit different.

40% skill
40% luck
20% equipment
Does it really matter?


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A lefty whiffed a six pin and commented to me coming off the approach "That's my luck!".
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!


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I think the ability to be versatile is much more important than carrying many different balls to league in order to have the same look no matter what the lanes are doing.  If said bowler can learn to be versatile, this by nature will cut down on the number of balls needed for a league night.

I consider myself decently versatile, with the ability to play straight or move in.  That being said, I carry 3 balls with me league each night.  I carry a Thunderstruck Solid at 1000 matte, an Epic Saga at 1200 grit polish and a Neptune at 2000 grit polish.  The only reason I carry the Saga is that with Thunderstruck having some surface on the ball it will at times limit how much I can use the ball.  The house I bowl at has a very fair shot, but when it starts to go away, I can only chase the oil in so far with the Thunderstruck before I start ringing 10 pins like a mad man.  Thats when I switch to the Saga because it allows me to straighten back up a little bit and play where I don't risk getting tapped to death.  The Neptune I carry with me for 2 reasons.  If the lanes are completely burnt, I can use it very effectively and I use it for all my spares, as it is a relatively weak ball and I am very comfortable shooting spares with it.
University at Albany 2007
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