First, Let me say that I have altered, through polishing or sanding, the surface of many dozens of bowling balls on my spinner.
A few days ago I took my Break Out ( 3 games on it, OOB 4000 Abralon) and decided to change the surface. Our first game shot is pretty wet and I wanted an option quite a bit stronger than my Reign of Fire.
I took a brand new 1000 grit Abralon pad and dutifully wet-sanded the Break Out using the six-side method. When I was done the ball looked like it had been hit with a few coats of polish! Not exactly the result I was looking for, and the ball reacted like a polished solid when I threw it.
Any ideas on what I could have done? I've dulled MANY balls--never saw one finished like this off the spinner. All surface treatment comments welcome.