I always try never to insult or upset anyone.
I like to have a bit of fun and am more than a bit quick to add a little jest in my answers. I hope everyone takes them as that. I would never want to upset anyone with what I write and if I ever did, I hope they would let me know if I did upset them and I could somehow put it to rights.
Without you guys and gals on this site my knowledge of this game would be sorely lacking and my days would be a little more empty than they are.
I dont think I would ever have bothered to find a coach and to improve my game.
I would have just struggled to bowl a bit and then given it up as a mistake.
I havent and that is in big part to all of you on this site.
And that includes you Card79, its the bit of fun that you and maybe I add that gives you the giggle that you walk away with at the end of the post.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK

Did someone say tough luck