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Author Topic: What do we expect...  (Read 1613 times)


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What do we expect...
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:06:06 PM »
...from a new bowling ball?

This thought came to me lately with all the company videos for the new releases where the new equipment is presented to be ever more angular and uber-hooking - which can be easily done with "proper" lane preparation.

Looks dramatic, makes Joe bowler drool and yell "I wanna hookaball like dat!" - but is it really the thing a bowler needs? Do we expect any new stuff to be measured by its hook potential? Aren't there more sensible factors, at least as "important" as, or even more than, the ball's angularity?

When are those promotional videos going to look like this?

I am getting weary of that... I know, it will vary by players and their mindset, but I'd like to know or start a discussion about what's personally important concerning ball choice. Is it just the staged WOW effect on the screen?
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Edited on 6/25/2008 6:58 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany



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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 04:51:45 AM »
I think that the ball manufacturers are dealing with the reality that some people love the big angular hook, and acting accordingly.
Reporting from England


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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2008, 05:27:22 AM »
there is a nice saying

"Nichts Neues unter der Sonne"

I dare a translation:

"Nothing new under the sun"

Since the EPX no company came with something really new... the coverstocks are just more and more perfected..... but nothing new.

That's another reason why coverstocks like PK18 and Superflex are so popular! People know them and know what to expect and what to get... the newer stuff either dies too quick or is not matching the need.

So what to "expect"?

People should learn to ask "What do I need?" - that should be the deciding question when buying a new or another ball.

Do I need the big hook.... imho very often those big angular hooks just lead into disaster as the player can not controll it.

Results count... not covered boards.

But hey! We are manly man and we need a big hook to prove it!

Sebastian Koch
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Edited on 6/25/2008 5:30 AM


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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2008, 05:35:23 AM »

I like this topic..

I'm not looking for the new most hooking ball.. I'm trying to fill holes in my arsenal.. But it's the reaction-characteristics i'm looking at..
Often i'll look for something that reacts different than anything i have in my bags.. You can still layout and surface-change a lot to get a desired look..
Other times i'll look for something to replace an old ball, just with a newer(fresh) cover..
But if a company puts out the next big thing, be it a hook monster or not, i'll try it.. But often i'll wait till i've seen others throw one.. I've tried too many times punching up a "newest" ball to find out it would've worked better with a different layout and so on..


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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2008, 07:34:11 AM »
I know at a local pro-shop, they will ask what you already have or are you replacing a ball. Once they see what you have or what you are replacing, they will suggest something. One guy recently went in there and said that he wanted the most hooking ball he could get. When asked what equipment he had, he pllued out an old WD. Said he threw it around 22mph and wanted to get a ball that hooked like they do on TV. I had to leave the shop for a few minutes cause I was trying not to laugh at the guy.

But ball companies are just producing what the mass population wants and that is an outrageous hooking ball. If that is what sells, then that is what will be produced.
"Pros paly the inside of the ball, Amatuers play the outside" Randy Pedersen

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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2008, 07:59:05 AM »
Personally, I try to find looks in my gear.  I've become a fan of a certain type of reaction, and I try to find balls to fill different gaps of strength with a similar look.  I prefer a straighter, hockey-stick look lately, so I'll be getting stuff that does that.  Then once I have a solid base of that, I'll get stuff that can give me a rounder look.  I suppose hook shape is most important for me.
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 08:07:42 AM »
What do I expect from a new bowling ball?

I expect a new bowling ball to do exactly what I want it to do, even when I throw it wrong.

I expect a new ball to do what is expected of it.  I have a very good experienced driller and he keeps track of all equipment and drillings I have done with him.  When I visit him for a new ball purchase, we will discuss what I'm looking for, whether I'm replacing something currently in use or looking for something to fill a gap.  He will then make some recommendations and drilling options based on our discussions.

In my over five years with him, he has always been right on the money as far as a new ball doing what we set it up for.  Only once has he had to make a small surface adjustment (light coat of polish) to a ball to get it do what we wanted, and that was done at the time of purchase.

What more could a bowler ask for or expect?
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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2008, 08:24:49 AM »
I build my arsenals based on the chart BTM has.
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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2008, 06:37:26 AM »
I've got 8 balls I'm now happy with what I've accrued...

I've got balls which roll early and late on light, heavy and medium oils, a polyester spare ball and a sidewinder, because I like the reaction that particle pearls give me. I don't necessarily take them all everywhere I go, but it's nice to have the options.
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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2008, 09:08:49 AM »
They only make 1 ballon the market that strikes everytime.

its called the dumbell

I look to cover as many ranges as possible.

high medium and LOW RG
High medium and low diff.
some pearl some solid.

have as many looks to the pocket as possible
In The Bag:
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Edited on 6/26/2008 9:09 AM


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Re: What do we expect...
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2008, 06:45:09 PM »
They only make 1 ballon the market that strikes everytime.

its called the dumbell

And man, is it tough on ball returns.  --  JohnP