I only encountered a "real" flood twice: one was in a new bowling alley where they had problems with the oil machine program (and the new AnvilLane surface was slick, too), and one deliberate flood as a tournament pattern for Germany' premier division bowling event. They put out this slick and soupy mess as a surprise for the "guests" in the upcoming weekend, and already used it for training the week before to be prepared - that's when I ran into it.
In both cases, nothing moved or worked properly, so I decided to use a polished reactive and go straight for the pocket.
Unfortunatley I cannot tell how much or how long the oil had been in both cases (in the initial one propbaly the lanemen did not know either). It was gutter to gutter with no dry outside boards, and very long. More than 40' and with a long buffer zone.
I have also witnessed a quite "normal" pattern, but with long oil tongues (50' long!) at each gutter, so that any ball swung out would slip and either fall into the gutter or hit the 6-10 pocket for a righty - also as a tournament pattern and training preparation
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
Team "X" website & more about me: http://web.mac.com/timlinked/iWeb/X/Thomas.html
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe