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Author Topic: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?  (Read 2494 times)


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What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« on: January 05, 2004, 09:41:35 PM »
The holidays have come and gone.  League play was suspended for the holidays for 2 weeks.  I took the opportunity to get some good practice in at a few different houses, one of which I mentioned in a previous thread.  I was in a minor slump before I took off for the holidays, but nothing horrible.  I was just really inconsistent.  My last two series before the break were

156   169   148  (473)
146   118   201  (465)

The 118 I split 5 times.  So that one I just write off...sort of.  If I hit the pocket a little better I wouldn't have split so much..blah blah blah...  Plus, my team has been winning and we are in 1st place.  So it doesn't really matter.  

Before that time my two series were pretty decent.  At least for me.  No real bad games for two weeks.  

233   168   200
175   213   174

What I'm worried about is when the pressure comes (maybe tonight if it's close) then I will not be able to actually put together a decent game.   I haven't been stringing together anything.  I might double or turkey in a good game, but generally the X's stand alone.  That makes for making big scores really difficult.  If I miss one spare I'm already below average.  I've practiced, taken time off, mentally visualized.  I really just don't know how to bust out of it.  

Even during my practice sessions I've been pretty consistently below average, somewhere in the 160's or low 170s.   My spares are keeping me afloat, but it's almost like I forgot how to strike.  I figure people on this board have been through this before, what have you done?  I have a coaching lesson scheduled for tomorrow night, which I hope to enjoy.  But I got nothing for right now.  

What have you guys done in this situation?  As usual, comments are greatly appreciated and taken seriously.  Cept for from peach.  His comments are welcome as comic relief.  




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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2004, 01:02:51 PM »
Oh yeah,
I do know one thing about my suckage lately.  It's not the balls.  It's the bowler.  That is why I've made a new years resolution to not spend anymore money on equipment until I get better with the stuff I have.  I will spend money on coaching, not on balls.


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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2004, 01:10:05 PM »
don't try and "strike" every ball. Huh...what did he say,.?? Don't try and strike....whatcha talkin' bout.  
Forget about striking and think about good execution, make each shot as good as you can,...Strikes in a row come from execution and being able to repeat shots. Slumps come from not repeating good shots.
Give the ball a chance, and the strikes will come.
jimensminger D/T BallStaff

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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2004, 01:10:38 PM »
Rather find someone to weatch you, or your trying to hard.. That was my problem.
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2004, 01:14:58 PM »
I like that tip Jim.  I've no doubt that I slip sometimes into trying to strike as opposed to hitting my marks.  Another thing I do is obsessively make adjustments without giving the previous ones a chance to work.  

I'll try the focus on execution idea a try though...Thanks.

Edited on 1/6/2004 2:14 PM


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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2004, 01:25:03 PM »
Thats exactly what you need to do. When you slump, the key is either figuring out whats wrong. If that isnt possible, go back to basics. Dont force the ball to do something, dont get mechanical with the shot. Just get up on the approach and "flow" with the shot. Let the ball roll off your hand naturally and watch the reaction, then adjust accordingly if need be!! Good Luck

"I am the most consistent bowler in my house....

I consistently SUCK!!"


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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2004, 01:27:03 PM »
don't overthink it, thing.....whatever you do, ...DON'T let it get into your head.  Stay positive, find what you did GOOD each game or set, and move me, I'm coming out of one that had a HUGE ENEMY involved....ME !
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2004, 01:56:15 PM »
Try not trying...
relax, clear your mind of the negative (I can't miss this spare, I hate it when that happens, I hope I don't throw a bad shot, etc, etc).
Reinforce it with the positive - like "you know where it is, just hit it" or something like that...
and put the last shot out of your mind - only think going forward. And don't dwell on the score.
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2004, 02:27:01 PM »
I have been in a slump myself. A normal series for me would look something like 185-150-170, lately Ive been having more series' like this 150-140-115 I am tying very hard to just try to get ANYTHING decent but its been disaterous. Balls flying every which way, piles of coke everywhere (soda), gone through gloves, and all my different balls, and positions and its just horrible!
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2004, 02:44:30 PM »
i think that in every sport, athletes that have talked about being "in the zone" have stated that they have been keying/concentrating on only one or two key thoughts.  i believe that it's important in league/competition to have a few "keys" during your preparation and execution, and not have a different thought (or two, or three) creep into your head for every step of your delivery.  not necessarily basics, but a thought of a particular aspect of your good shots.

do your analysis between shots, and when you step on the approach, concentrate on only a few key items.
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2004, 04:02:30 PM »
I bowled decent last night, shot a 566, which is the best I've done in weeks.  I just thought about one thing, don't throw accross the body.  Not that this was always a huge problem.  But since I was unable to completely clear my mind, and thinking about 100 tips at once would make me throw like crap, I thought of one thing.  Just keep that swing nice and flat and throw it.  

There was one throw that was absolutely horrible.  After my first game of 214, which I was quite pleased with, I got up to make my first throw of the second game, right into the gutter !  I just thought, "oh what a difference a game makes."  I laughed it off pretty hard, and finished decent.  I think the atmosphere of the night also helped me loosen up and throw it easier.  

We'll see in the upcoming weeks if the slump is really off though.  I have a coaching lesson tonight, my first official one, so I expect an immediate drop in average.  Does coaching work the same way as a new ball?  If so I can expect a little bit more of a prolonged slump.  

Rags, I hope you bust it soon.  I have decided to bottle up the slump breaker and sell it.  It's already available in many markets.  It's in a little green bottle called Heinekin.  Just take a couple and your troubles will be over.



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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2004, 04:04:12 PM »
What do I do to get out of a slump???????-----------BUY A NEW BALL!
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2004, 04:06:03 PM »
I try and remember what an old coach told me when I was in a slump.  He told me to "Get back to basics".  In other words, I stop trying to shoot 800 every set because I know 675 or better is fine.  I stop trying to rev the ball like kids half my age.  I stop running to the line.  I START using practice time wisely.
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Re: What do YOU do to get out of a slump?
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2004, 04:10:44 PM »
Ok as far as im concerned a slump isnt just your physical game that has problems, its your mental game aswell. Or maybe just your mental game, its never just your physical game thats out. I wrote a HUGE post about this exact same topic about a year or so ago, but everyone seemed to ignor it. If you want me to bring it back up to the top of the list for you to read i will, PM me and let me know.

good luck and high scoring
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